I just love this networking!
I’m now attending the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, and by June I’ll be a holistic health counselor.
Anyhow, recently Boston Health Coach Christi Lehner-Collins, H.H.C., AADP, a Certified Holistic Health Counselor, who graduated from the school I’m now attending told me she’d heard about my kick-sugar work and was spreading the word.
Then yesterday, she wrote to me again to tell me she featured my website as the featured site on her website for the month.(Hey, thanks, Christi!)
Anyhow, while at Christi’s site, I learned that she "seeks to inspire people all over the world to fall in love with healthy eating, juicy living, and guilt-free self-care!" (Nice goals!)
Then I followed a link from Christi’s site to a another intriguing site, "The 21-Day No Junk Food Challenge." Yet another woman after my own heart!
This wonderful program is coordinated by Cheryl Miller, M.S., an exercise physiology and community health manager of a state wellness program for 45,000 employees.
She poses the question: "Can you go 21 days without eating junk food snacks? Join the Challenge and find out. It’s free."
Interesting that Cheryl also is promoting a 21-day program. As part of my upcoming (still FREE for a limited time) Fast-Track, Kick-Sugar Countdown Program, I’m having a 21-day kick-start component.
In fact, I learned (while working on my upcoming book SUGAR SHOCK!) about research, which shows that you can change a habit in 21 days.
Anyhow, if you join my Fast-Track, Kick-Sugar Countdown Program and Cheryl’s 21-day program, you’ll get loads of support! This is great!