Calling Candy Addicts! Hooked on the Stuff? Already Conquered Your Candy Captivity? A National TV Newsmagazine Wants YOU! Reply By Jan. 17

Hey, Candy Addicts or Ex-Candy Addicts, listen up!

A nationally syndicated TV newsmagazine is doing an exciting segment, "Addicted to Candy." The show’s producers are now seeking men and/or women who are now in the throes of an almost debilitating candy addiction or who’ve already overcome their candy habit (for about a year) and are now "ex-candy addicts."

Come on, folks, you know who you are! This is your chance to not only capture the limelight and confront this crippling embarrassment but to help MILLIONS of other people learn about their sugar issues, too.

  • Do you hide chocolate in your drawer at work and/ or in your car or your briefcase and/or tote bag? (No need to cower from the truth. Many people out there are doing this!)
  • Maybe you need a licorice break every hour or two?
  • Or perhaps you can’t pass by a grocery store without buying those enticing gooey candies that seem to call out to you?
  • (Yikes, that sure sounds familiar! Back in 1998, I would have had to say "yes" to all those questions! Of course, today, I laugh about my "Sugar Shrew" days, and I’m here to help you!)

    Anyhow, this national TV show knows, of course, that folks of all ages, shapes and sizes can be afflicted with desires for candy fixes, they’re specifically seeking people of a normal weight for their height.

    Please respond by Wed., Jan. 17, at 5 p.m. and include the following info:

  • Your vital stats (you know, age, sex, city where you live, phone number, working e-mail address).
  • Info about how your candy addiction manifests in your daily life.
  • No photo needed right away, but as you go through the screening process, you’ll be contacted and eventually asked for one. (Don’t send one just yet. You don’t want to inundate the poor producers!)
  • Remember, if you’ve already confronted your addiction and now can happily call yourself an ex-candy addict (or recovered candy addict), this TV show wants you, too. Here’s what they’re seeking:

  • You should now be living a healthy life and are over your habit for no more than a year.
  • Include all the info stated above, plus describe your past addiction and how you overcame it.
  • Provide info on what you now do now to maintain your sugar-free, "ex-addict" status.
  • To protect this poor TV producer from being too inundated, write to me here first on this blog. Just post a comment. (Do not e-mail me, because I am in the process of switching providers.) Just post your info to me. Rest assured that no one but me will see it, and I’ll pass on your info to the TV show.

    This sounds like one exciting program! This TV newsmagazine intends to wake people up to this national candy-addiction problem with a great segment. Help them out now!

    For readers of this blog, please post a comment here including your contact info and stories. Your remarks are moderated so no one will see them but me. I’ll then pass the info onto the producer.

    4 thoughts on “Calling Candy Addicts! Hooked on the Stuff? Already Conquered Your Candy Captivity? A National TV Newsmagazine Wants YOU! Reply By Jan. 17

    1. Candy addicts wanted for TV news magazine

      A national TV news magazine is looking for two recovering candy addicts willing to talk about their addiction.
      Connie Bennett, author of the new book Sugar Shock, says the producers have contacted her and asked her to find two people who …

    2. I have worked in addictions for some time…
      I believe that in this lifetime Sugar will be declared for the drug that it is. It works on the same Dopamine system like alcohol and cocaine do. Researchers have also known for a long time that there is a connection between sugar and other addictions. Most addcts were addicted to sugar before they do drugs. In the case of alcoholism, those addicted to sugar are like sitting ducks. If you take away the drugs, individuals always revert to sugar as their choice of sedation…
      .. The individual feed sugared drinks in [her or her] bottle is just as much a victim as [the baby] who is given brandy for teething….
      My mother tried the Atkins diet when it first came out, lost over a 100 pounds but gained it back becuase her doctor told her it was bad for her… I do have to believe that being sugar free did improve her health as she is in her 70’s and still teaches belly dance…
      I work in a [place] where sugar is used to control the envionment… It make it difficult when there are not healthy choices available…
      …I was in the Grocery and discovered that they had a broblem with pests… Well, even the pests were not insterest in the packaged, boxed substances loaded with items that have no nutrients…

    3. Greetings from Bermuda,
      Hi Connie, we were classmates at IIN. I am an addict…always one thing or another…sugar being the absolute hardest to toss to the universe…it finds me everytime..I am 46 and the mother of four wonderful children that could very well addict as well…I see it in at least 4 out of 4…Oh no…
      Sometimes I hide my stash other times it’s free for all. I have enjoyed sugar sobreity at times but always rationalize my way back to that old friend who promises comfort..
      Bermuda has one of the highest Diabetes rates in the world..hmmm is it misery loves company or safety in numbers!

    4. Your vital stats (you know, age, sex, city where you live, phone number, working e-mail address). Connie-sent u something w/my other email-but hotmail isn’t reliable so I’ll put this one instead-we’ve actually spoken before-I produce a radio show.–so you kind of know I’m addicted to sugar-of normal weight-my stats are 5’7″, 143 lbs age 33, female, Long Island, runner, 212-613-3876. Which tv show is this for? So I eat candy everyday just about-except when I’m really trying-then I can go one day without! Had my red twizzlers and red lifesavers today-ate the whole thing ofcourse-but we took my 2 little kids to see Disney on Ice–it’s always an excuse!! You can post if you like btw. Jill

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