Amazing Tele-Seminar With Hamptons Diet Doctor

A very special thanks to Dr. Fred Pescatore, author of The Hamptons Diet, for his enlightening comments in last night’s tele-seminar.

Indeed, Fred — who’s been a real wealth of information to me over the years, especially with my book SUGAR SHOCK! — spoke about:

  • The lack of nutrition education among doctors
  • Dr. Atkins and his role in educating Americans about the dangers of refined carbs
  • The role that certain supplments such as chromium and l-glutamine could play in offsetting cravings
  • How he himself used to be overweight
  • The importance of working on your mindset to overcome your sugar issues
  • The value of being aware that sweet foods might still tempt you.

As I’ve done with previous tele-seminars, I’m letting participants tell you what they thought by quoting from either their e-mails to me or to my free, online KickSugar group.

"Last night’s teleseminar was another wonderful event!  The highlight of my week. A couple of things stood out for me. One was the concept of ‘eating defensively.’ I have a birthday party to go to Saturday night and the host is raving about this fancy chocolate cake she is serving. 

"So here is my plan of defensive eating for the party: I have told her that I am a drug addict with sugar.  I joked and said I would get mean and crazy and insult all her guests if I have any of it.  I have also put my word on the line by telling four other friends who are also going that I need to stay away from the cake and anything else that will sabotage my progress so far. I plan to eat LOTS of protein before I go and also to bring nuts and some veggies so I have something to eat if I am tempted. Please hold me in your hearts, that I can do this. Going to a party and not using it as an excuse to binge is new territory for me.
"Another thing that helped me in the teleseminar is dealing with the issue of self-sabotage. One woman asked a great question about whether or not she should drink alcohol on her romantic weekend getaway. I love Dr Pescatore’s answer that she needs to find out why she wants to sabotage her own progress.  Alcohol is just another sugar so why the desire to hurt herself?  Wow.  I needed to hear this.  Love myself and value myself enough that I take care of myself instead of self-sabotaging. This is something I definitely feel the need to go deeper into.
"Thank you so very, very much for being there for me. And Connie, you are way beyond awesome for putting this program together. Wanda"

Elizabeth then chimed in:

"Amen to that. I am benefiting  too;  thank you so much for the stand you all are making to
stay sugar  free !!   This is my first trip to visit family that I did not drink alcohol/eat sweets. I feel so good; I feel like a different person!!"

Erica told me:

"I really loved the talk tonight and as usual, I learned so much! Thanks again for doing this series, it truly has been an eye-opener and I am not sure you realize how much of huge and positive impact you have made in so many people’s lives."

Nancy also remarked:

"Hope you all had a chance to listen to tonight’s call.  Dr. Pescatore was great…so down to earth and so knowledgeable.  Connie is terrific for setting this stuff up…. This is my group…my support group, and it has helped me to become sugar free since Jan. 1.  Lost almost 20 pounds.  I feel so grateful.  Have decided not to have a glass of wine this wk.end when I go away with hubby.   So glad I asked the question of Dr. on teleseminar. I thought it was a stupid question, but his answer was so right on and just what I needed to hear to remind me where I have come from. 

"I’m a sugar addict.  One day at a time, just for today, I’m sugar free.  Contemplating having sugar, wine, is setting myself up for failure. I am so glad I asked the ques. and didn’t just decide to drink.  Now I will really enjoy myself with hubby.  Sugar free.  I will continue to
feel great this weekend and have a great time.  Hope you’re all well. If you’re not eating sugar right this minute, you’ve been sugar free for 1 minute.  That’s how it starts.  One minute turns into 1 hour, into 1 day, into 1 week, into 1 month….but for now all we each have is the present moment.  Go for it.  It works, and you’ll feel so much better.  Peace, Mombonana"

Now, here’s Tom’s reaction about the tele-seminar with Dr. Fred Pescatore:

"Yes, truly fascinating…. The tele-seminar format works great. This was a first for me. I knew [Dr. Pescatore] was on the money all the way when he said sugar is a drug and alcohol is sugar. …Hearing a live spontaneous presentation like this has so much more emotion and expression that it far exceeds the written word. The personalized factor is great too. I expect that webcams will play in here before long and we will all be able to see one another too.

"What I find really fascinating and remarkable is how little known these sugar facts are, even in the medical community. Mr Hampton-(is it Fred)said it best when he said that "all the doctors will know what he knows in the future". as simple and basic as this is-it is cutting edge stuff.

"…Connie, you have an enormous amount of time and money invested in this. Is there a way to just contribute to the cause? I think your dual purpose approach (free to those in need or testing the waters)and(a fee structure for those who are able to pay there way) is great. I want to help. I am benefiting immensely from this program. Tom"

Many other responses came in, too, such as from Linda, who wrote, "Thanks for another great call!"; another Linda, who called Dr. Pescatore "wonderful"; and Ilene, who described the session "great." Then Sharon found the call "extremely helpful." She told me: "Really loved the questions you asked." And Susan pronounced Dr. Pescatore as "inspiring," especially when he talked about falling off the wagon. Sure would like him as my doc."

To find out about our upcoming tele-seminars and to attend for free, just go to

To order downloads or MP3s of all the tele-seminars this round (about 14 this time), go to

To listen to last weeks’ tele-seminar for free, go to

Stay tuned for next Tuesday, February 28, when toxicologist and nutritionist Dr. Janet Starr Hull will dish the scoop on Splenda, aspartame and other artificial sweeteners.