Calling Candy Captives! Major TV Show Wants You: Draw Attention to This Vital Issue

Candy Addicts, A National TV Show Wants You Now!

  • Does candy have a special place in your heart — but one that you hate?
  • Do you hide chocolate in your drawer at work and/ or in your car or your briefcase and/or tote bag? (No need to cower from the truth. Millions can relate to this!)
  • Maybe you need a licorice break every hour or two?
  • Or perhaps you can’t pass by a grocery store without buying those enticing gooey candies that seem to call out to you? (Sure sounds familiar. Back in 1998, that is.)

Folks, you know who you are! Take your embarrassment and put it to good use. (I have! Just read about my mortifying moments in my book SUGAR SHOCK!)

This is your chance to not only be on TV but to begin to confront your crippling problem and to help MILLIONS learn about their sugar issues, too.

Candy addicts, please reply by Wed., Jan. 17, at 11:49 p.m. Make sure to include the following info:

  • Your vital stats. (Provide age, sex, city where you live, phone #, and e-mail address).
  • Your weight and height. (FYI, the show would like you to be of normal weight.)
  • Info about how your candy addiction manifests in your daily life. (Include stories and examples, if possible.) 
  • No photo needed just yet (but you’ll need one later if you’re one of the final selections.) 

So what’s in this for you? If you are chosen to participate in this TV show, I will personally work with you (for at least 2 hours) to help you conquer your candy addiction.

Plus, I’ll give you complimentary access to all of my kick-sugar teleseminars and seminars for the next 6 months.

In addition, I will get you a $50 gift certificate to either Whole Foods or Wild Oats, if they’re in your area. (If not, we’ll find another healthy restaurant or store to participate.)

To be considered, just post a comment here. PLEASE make sure to tell me if I can publish your reply on this blog or if you’d like me to keep your remarks confidential.

What are you waiting for? Get help now with your candy addiction!

One thought on “Calling Candy Captives! Major TV Show Wants You: Draw Attention to This Vital Issue

  1. hey connie…
    perfect timing here as sugar is once again revealing itself to be the sneakiest demon in my life…especially as i clean up my act in a million other ways. okay then…here are my vital stats:
    city where you live…boston
    phone #…(617) 308-8208
    e-mail address…
    Your weight and height…6′, 180 pounds
    Info about how your candy addiction manifests in your daily life. (Include stories and examples, if possible.)…
    so sugar has always been an obsession of mine, and i have always been thin…as a child of course there was every penny at the candy store, halloween, christmas and easter, which was the very best because i had just gone six weeks of lent without any candy at all so imagine the coma that whole chocolate bunny could induce!…everything candy…by the time i was in 7th grade i was skipping lunch and using my lunch money for candy, and then by 9th grade i was walking to school so i could spend my bus money on candy…i was quite a candy afficianado in those days…now i’ve got it down to specialities…no standard brands for me…i eat the natural sunspire m&m’s, made with sucanat non-refined sugar and colored with natural vegetable food colorings, or extra dark organic chocolate…i suppose this makes me feel less guilty…there’s a certain cache about eating the organic dark chocolate by dagoba (food of the gods!) that you just don’t get front chomping on an almond joy!
    of course ask any one who knows me and they say
    “oh charles, he’s such a healthy eater,” because i am a healthy eater and i rarely eat dessert and then i share and only have a nibble because i ate a bag of sundrops on the way to dinner and i’ve got a bag of cookies stashed unser my desk for later on in the evening, organic whole wheat cookies of course!
    and as embarrassing as this all is, i’m a yoga teacher, a massage artist, and a holistic health counselor after all, feel free to post…i’m determined that 2007 is the year i break free of the nasty clutches of sugar, the mother of all addictions.
    thanks for all of your good work and thanks for the opportunity to come clean in public!

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