If you’re struggling with a sugar addiction, you’ll defniitely relate to the poignant, powerful words from Amanda Lerner, a classmate of mine at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
Amanda is a strong, driven woman with a mission: She wants to kick sugar–and badly. So determined is she that she is now documenting her journey, as I did back in 1998.
I invite you to root for her as she faces head-on her addiction. Read her brutally honest "Diary of a Sugar Addict" at www.BeautyNewsNYC.com.
Just listen to one telling entry:
"Ate chunk of chocolate. Felt somewhat blissful. 10 minutes later, snapped at BF [boyfriend] for no apparent reason. Finished the bar to ease my guilt. By the end of the night I was mysteriously crying. And to think PMS was a week away…"
Ah yes, this all sounds so very familiar. No wonder I finally kicked after being trapped by my habit for so long. The tempting taste of refined sweets just is not worth it.
Want some help kicking sweets? Join my free, online KickSugar group.
Stay tuned for part 2 of Amanda’s tale, coming in April.