Does Dieting Boost Chocolate Cravings?

An interesting new study came from researchers in the psychology department at the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom, which shows that chocolate can have a strong hold over you if you’re a woman who’s dieting. This suggests that women would really benefit from extra guidance when attempting diets like the keto diet. That is why the Ultimate Keto Destination is so useful!

Specifically, Professor Ben Fletcher and Dr Karen Pine found that dieting females can get into “a vicious cycle of negative emotions,” which which, in turn, “provokes cravings for the very foods they are trying to avoid, chocolate being one of the most powerful.”

Here’s how the researchers describe their findings:

“Dieting, then, appears to make a difference to how people perceive food, in this particular instance, chocolate. Instead of helping people to eat more healthily and to cut down on products which are bad for their health, the negative effect induced by dieting appears to have the opposite effect in that it can increase the desire for the actual foods they are trying to avoid.”

I think these researchers do have a point — for some, if not many people, deprivation — or complete removal of sweets — just triggers their desire for more.

But on the other hand, I don’t think this research takes into account that some people just can’t have little tastes of sweets, a I reveal in my book SUGAR SHOCK!

In my opinion, one of the best ways to counter this clamoring for chocolate when you’re dieting is to arm yourself with information. And that’s what I try to do here, on this blog; in my free, online KickSugar group, and in my book SUGAR SHOCK!

Thanks for the news tip from and my research assistant Jennifer Moore.