Hurrah to the American Diabetes Association!
While on the ADA site looking for another press release, I found this wonderful announcement to the media in which the hard-working organization applauds New York City Health Department’s proposal to eliminate artificial trans fats in all New York City restaurants and make calorie content for foods served in eateries publicly available on menus and menu boards.
It was thrilling or me to see the ADA take such an important stand by stating, "Trans fats are linked to heart disease and this proposal is especially releveant to people with diabetes who are at risk for heart attack and stroke."
The ADA press release continued, noting that heart heart disease is the leading cause of diabetes-related deaths and that adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates about 2 to 4 times higher than those who don’t have diabetes.
If enacted, this new trans fat ban could help 700,000 New York City adults diagnosed with diabetes, the ADA explains, especially when you consider that many adults (and their kids, of course) eat out several times a week.
I’m also excited that the ADA even went so far as to say that, if enacted into law, New York City’s proposal could "hopefully serve as a model for other cities to consider."
Remember: Those of you who live or work in New York, join us a little later today at this exciting rally to support this important proposal. Get details here. I’ll be downtown, near Thomas Paine Park, at around 10 to 11 a.m. this morning passing out flyers or doing whatever other things Jenn, the coordinator, wants me to do. If you see me, say hi!