Last Night’s Tele-Seminar Was Amazing

Again, when talking about a tele-seminar, I like to give someone else’s take on it.

Here’s Nancy’s take on the call last night with nutritionist Jonny Bowden:

"Wow! Another great phone call! I was struck by what cool people Connie knows…everyone she has had on her program just sounds so authentic and nice, even with their success and noteriety in the nutrition world. Jonny was so knowledgeable and I found a lot of what he said helpful. For one, I realized I’m probably eating way too many calories, and maybe that’s part of why my wt. loss is at a standstill for almost 2 wks. Just because I’m not eating sugar I expected the wt. to fly off. I guess that getting rid of the sugar was the first step, and most important. Now, tomorrow, I’ll begin decreasing the portion sizes and the free snacks…"

Next week’s tele-seminar takes place next Thursday night at 8:30 EST. To get in free, sign up at

In it, Jill Vollmuth — an amazing, knowledgeable nutritionist — and I will tell you how to read food labels, and we’ll discuss which supplements have been known to curb sugar cravings.

Sign up now for free for my Fast-Track, Kick-Sugar Countdown Program tele-seminars and other interesting information.

2 thoughts on “Last Night’s Tele-Seminar Was Amazing

  1. With each new speaker it confirms for me the right on information of what Connie is putting out there in an inspiring format. I crashed 3 days ago when I went from feeling great off sugar for a month to feeling horrible. As I listened to last nights call from Jonny Bowden it all of a sudden hit me that I followed a craving for milk and hit it hard because I couldn’t seem to get enough. Couldn’t understand why I felt bad because I wasn’t using sugar and felt so discouraged. Hidden sugar in the milk has to be it, and today is another day, not the end of the road because this program has given me the tools I need to help myself. Goes to show you need to hear it over and over.

  2. Jonny Bowden is a class act and I’m so glad you were able to have him featured in your program, Connie! If you haven’t been participating in these tele-seminar calls, then you are truly robbing yourself of the blessing that comes from those who have gone through anguish of kicking sugar forever and living triumphantly to tell about it. SIGN UP TODAY!
    Jimmy Moore, author of “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb”

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