Americans are getting fattter and fatter, says a Harris Poll reports.
According to the company’s press release, using an old definition of overweight based on weight, height and body frame, 83 percent of adults 25 years of age and over are now overweight, up from 80 percent in 2002 and 2003.
Meanwhile, 39 percent of U.S. adults are obese, according to the same measure, and counting those who are 20 percent or more overweight.
Using another measure, the BMI, the new survey finds that 66 percent of American adults are overweight, up from 59 percent this year. The number of obese people increased from 23 to 27 percent.
Meanwhile, other data reveals that obesity has more than doubled in 20 years.
Specifically, overweight adults 25 years of age and over jumped from 59 percent in the early 1980s to 79 percent since 2000. At the same time, adults 25 years old and up who are obese have increased from 15 percent in the early 1980s to 33 percent since 2001.
This news saddens me. What is it going to take to warn people about the tremendous dangers of obesity?
Being obese could cause heart disease, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, stroke, high blood pressure, some types of cancer, asthma, arthritis and depression.
Interestingly, the new survey finds that many adults know that obesity is a cause of heart disease (55%) and diabetes (44%).
On the other hand, people aren’t as aware that being obese could lead to elevated cholesterol (14%), stroke (11%), high blood pressure (7%), some cancers (6%), asthma (3%), arthritis (3%) and depression (1%).
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