Our New Look is Coming to Help You Bounce Back Boldly™

The time has come.

I’m finally ready to help you Bounce Back Boldly™, as I put it.

At long last, after seven-plus years of researching, writing, and digesting mounds of fascinating, cutting-edge info, I’m on my way back to serve you.

To that end, lots of exciting plans are in the works.

  • This website will have a new look to reflect my mission to empower you in many ways. Stay tuned for updates while my amazing designers and programmers get my site ready for a relaunch.
  • My next (and third) book, I Blew My Diet! Now What?, is finally completed. In this book, I will help you if you overate during challenging times, and you feel like you lost your power. As my mentor Linda Sivertsen (aka Book Mama) likes to put it, my “book baby” will be born soon. Our official launch date is Tuesday, March 4, 2025. (If you’re into numerology or the meaning of numbers, you can have some fun with these dates. The easy way to remember my launch date is: 3, 4, 5! Then you get 7 when you add the last two years of the year. (Fun!)
  • My new amazing PR team at Triple 7 Public Relations is revving up to help me spread the word about my upcoming book.

So where do you come in? Here are two ways you can get involved. You’ll get special perks, including direct access to me, for all of these options.

  • Would you like to read an advance copy of my book and share a review? 

    To get it, you will get to connect with my personally for a 15-minute chat. Next, you’ll sign the NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) and agree not to share my book with anyone so that you can access an advance copy. Then you’ll write your review, which I’ll be able to use on social media, my website, and book marketing websites.

  • Will you join my Book Launch Team? I’ll have more details shortly, but if you’re intrigued, just dash me an email to connie (@) wordshtatwork (dot) com
  • Do you know 5 to 10 people who you think could benefit from my book? If so, also email me.

Details to come on all these options. Now I invite you to reach out to me if you’d like to get involved.