Every so often, I learn about a preposterous study that makes me want to scream!
Sugary snacks and drinks are NOT a good thing, as this article from scientist Richard Gray in the UK Telegraph about recent research suggests!
Talk about complete hogwash! Shame on you, University of Wales in Swansea psychologist David Benton, Ph.D., for your scary conclusions that sugary drinks can improve kids’ memories and concentration! (I’m surprised! Earlier, you offered more reasonable findings about stress and palatable foods, which I cited in my book Sugar Shock!)
Let’s face it, sweets can help children focus for about 5, maybe 20 minutes! It’s downhill from there on in.
Did I misunderstand these conclusions? If I’m reading this wrong, I’d be happy to recant.
Also, where did this study appear? Awaiting word from Dr. Benton on this. Will update you.
About the only part of the research that makes any sense to me is that kids can benefit from being fed a little and often, but this does not mean to give them sugary snacks or drinks!