Years ago, I posted here about a clever episode of The Simpsons relating to sugar addiction. As consumption of sugar continues to soar around the globe and obesity is at an all-time high with three-quarters of adults in the United States overweight or obese, this episode is still relevant 23-plus years after its initial release.
In the “Sweets and Sour Marge” episode — which first aired on the Fox network in the United States in Season 13 on Jan. 20, 2002 — Marge rallies for a ban on sugar after Springfield is declared America’s fattest city. What follows next is pandemonium as frantic sugar-craving folks, who are quitting cold turkey, do some desperate things to get their “sugar fixes.”
See some of the episodes best moments here. Check it out. Learn more here. If you’d like to watch it, go here or here.
If you’re a sugar or carb addict, take heart. My goal is to help you break free with the help of my upcoming book. I invite you to pre-order I Blew My Diet! Now What? now.