Free Relieve Holiday Stress Program on Wed., Dec. 2

For many, ’tis not the season to be jolly. Instead, it’s a time for stress, anxiety and worry.
To help you be calm and peaceful this time of year, join my free Relieve Holiday Stress teleseminar program tomorrow night (Wed., Dec. 2 at 8 pm EST) with master creative visualization expert and hypnotist Debra Berndt.
Here are details to join us for this free, life-changing program.
You can join us live either via phone or on the Internet from any part of the world.
Just provide your email below to join us in our life-changing program.<.p>
Since listening once on Dec. 2 may not be enough to help you relieve stress for the holidays — and beyond — click here to order an audio replay so you can listen again and again to be calm during the holidays and beyond.
FYI, research shows that repeatedly listening to creative visualization/hypnosis replays can help you make lasting changes.
To sign up for tomorrow night’s program, provide your email below, and directions will be mailed to you.

Relieve Holiday Stress With Us & 3 Tips to Calm You Down

During the holidays, millions get stressed out and anxious. In fact, research shows that people overwhelmed and anxious more now than any other time of the year.
As we all know, being stressed out can lead to overeating or binging, short tempers, neglecting exercise, arguments with your loved ones and ignoring your needs.
To help you out, I’m presenting a life-changing teleseminar, Relieve Holiday Stress on Wed., Dec. 2 at 8 pm EST, with Debra Berndt, an acclaimed master of creative visualization and author of the upcoming book, Let Love In: Open Your Heart and Mind to Attract Your Ideal Partner.
Our Release Holiday Stress teleseminar on Dec. 2 at 8 pm — which is free to attend live and also available via audio replay — may help you to:
* Lose or maintain weight;
* Be happier throughout the holiday season and beyond;
* Relax around your family and friends;
* Curb your sugar cravings;
* Find love or get along better with your partner;
* Feel good about your body no matter what;
* Be calm when you’re short on funds;
* Attract money;
* Exude confidence; and
* Become the master of your life by dissolving your stresses
In addition to presenting this Release Holiday Stress teleseminar, we’re also offering 3 Tips to Calm You Down now:
1. Transform your thoughts. While you may not be able to alter your circumstances, you can change the way you think about them. For instance, when you start to get upset about about your annoying Aunt Jean, who is prying into your love life, or your cousin Cindy, who keeps urging you to try her apple pie and other sugary “goodies,” take a deep breath and interrupt your negative thoughts. Then, see these circumstances with rose-colored glasses. Your Aunt Jean and cousin Cindy are just showing that they love you. Tap into how they feel for you. Be thankful that they’re so concerned, even if the way that they show it is misguided. Now, see your situation calmly, with gratitude instead.

Conquer Your Sugar Addiction With Me, Starting Jan. 5, at the New York Open Center

Since the new year is coming soon, if you live near New York City, I invite you to plan now to break free of your sugar habit so that you may be able to:
* Lose weight
* Finally make peace with sugar and refined carbs
* Feel free
* Get more energy on a consistent basis
* Become more productive
* Walk your talk by consuming only healthy foods and drinks
* Tap into your spirtuality
* Be unfazed when desserts and sweet snacks abound
* Feel exhilarated and excited about your many projects
* Relish moving your body in a way you’ve never done
* Enjoy more enriching, satisfying relationships
* Boost your libido
* Learn to meditate away your sugar desires
* And much more
New York Open Center – 04 – Meditation Reserve your space now for Tuesday, Jan. 5 at 6 pm when you can get inspired and educated during my free introductory class at the New York Open Center.
Now, sign up for the four-week course at the New York Open Center from Jan. 12 to Feb. 2.
Let me know if you’ve signed up for this program, because I have special gifts for people who’ve enrolled to help you get through the holiday season.

CLA May Speed Reduce Stubborn Fat Around the Middle

CLA Frequently, clients ask me what they can do to reduce reduce stubborn fat around their mid-section other than quit sugar and refined carbs and regularly exercise.
My friend Jonny Bowden — one of the most knowledgeable nutritionists in America today — just wrote a fascinating post on his blog that touts the virtues of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), noting its effectiveness in losing body fat, especially around the tummy.
While “losing pounds is CLA’s most notable claim to fame,” Jonny points out, its benefits also have been known to also include “slowing the spread of cancer cells, help stop bone loss in postmenopausal women and interestingly, calming of inflammation linked to asthma and a host of other things.”
Jonny writes about CLA, because a study in the prestigious American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that CLA is effective at reducing body mass index (BMI) and total fat tissue without altering lean body mass among obese, postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes.

Halloween Tricks Kids Into Sugar Overload: Op Ed Piece

Are you re planning on passing out sugar-filled candies for Halloween tomorrow night?
If so, you should know that every time you hand out candies, you’re tricking kids into sugar overload.
Halloween isn’t just one night. It paves the way for bad eating habits year-round.
Read more about this in our opinion piece in today’s Newark Star-Ledger.