Book Giveaway Contest Now Underway

Get a complimentary copy of my latest book, Beyond Sugar Shock. Until my limited supply runs out, you can get my latest book in my first-ever Book Giveaway.

Napkins! The Only Type of Sugar I Consume

only type of sugar I consume

Thought you’d get a kick from this, the only type of sugar I consume!
Yes, I’ve been sugar-free since 1998 and doing so changed my life in big ways.
Learn my 7 Lessons from Staying Sugar-Free for 16 Years.
Have you used napkins or other products made of sugar?
If you still are hooked on sugar and culprit carbs, I invite you to get some help.
Find out how to kick harmful sugar out of your life.
Join the limited-time Beyond Sugar Shock Giveaway on my Facebook fan page.
Look forward to connecting with you on Facebook.
Ask your questions, post comments, etc.
Connie Bennett, Sugar Shock, Beyond Sugar Shock, quit sugar, lose weight, get energy

7 Reasons to be Sugar-Free — 17th Anniversary!

I totally forgot to announce that I recently (on April 15) celebrated 17 years sugar-free.
Isn’t that entertaining — that eating healthy is so second nature to me that I simply overlooked my 17 years anniversary of being sugar-free, well, mostly.
Learn now about at least 7 Benefits from Being Sugar-Free.
Which of these seven reasons most appeals to you?

Have you Quit Sugar & Quickie Carbs: Share Your Sweet Success Story

Are you what I call a Sweet Success Story? Share your tale now.
Happy people Have you shed excess weight, eliminated your horrible headaches, gotten rid of your pre-cancerous condition, or done away with another pesky health problem by kicking or cutting back on sugar, refined carbs and other high-glycemic foods such as corn nuts, potato chips, and French fries?
In short, are you now slimmer, happier, and sexier?
In other words, have you discovered the power of life without all those super-sweet or quickie-carb foods?
Do you now Enjoy Living Sweeter Naturally™?
If you’re a Sweet Success Story, we may want to tell your story to inspire others.
As you may already know — or your friends do — quitting sugary foods and rapidly processed carbohydrates (what I also call “culprit carbs”) can speed you on your weight loss journey.
Not only that but cutting out the culprit carbs can help you overcome a variety of health challenges, as thousands of people — whom I call “Sugar Kickers” or “Carb Kickers” — have been gleefully sharing with me for 16-plus years since I quit the dangerous carbs on doctor’s orders.
Readers of this Sugar Shock Blog love inspiring tales such as yours.
We’d like to hear from you if you’ve had a drastic health improvement by cutting out sugar, quickie carbs, gluten, dairy or artificial sweeteners.
If you’re a Sweet Success Story — whether you lost weight, got more energy, improved your moods or got your diabetes under control — we want to consider sharing your tale here.
Remember, by sharing your story, you’ll be able to inspire, motivate, and encourage people from around the world.
Wondering what I mean? Read some motivational Sweet Success Stories shared here previously:
Fellow blogger Jimmy Moore. (Catch our interview on my Gab With the Gurus Show, too.)
Jaime Jackson
Felicia DesRosiers
Karly Pitman
Are you what I call a Sweet Success Story? Share your tale now. (Please submit info using the format used above, and we’ll get back to you.)
CB – pink shirtWho is blog founder Connie Bennett? Connie is a former pooped-out, fuzzy-headed, sugar-addicted journalist. After quitting sugar on doctor’s orders in 1998, ALL 44 of her baffling, crippling ailments (brain fog, PMS, headaches, etc.) vanished,, and she became “reborn.” Now, 16 1/2 years later, Connie is devoted to helping people Get a Sweeter Life that Rocks™. She is the acclaimed, energetic, charismatic Sweet Freedom Guide, Bounce-Back-to-Your Best Body™ coach, a transformational speaker, sugar and carb expert, blogger, certified health coach, certified life coach, EFT practitioner, Gab with the Gurus host, and bestselling author of Beyond Sugar Shock, which was endorsed Beyond Sugar Shock_RGBby Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Dr. Daniel Amen, JJ Virgin, and many others, and Sugar Shock, which was praised by such respected people as Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Christiane Northrup. She’s now planning the first Sugar World Summit, which will feature the biggest names in sugar and carb addiction, recovery, mindful eating, compassion, weight loss, etc. She is also completing her next book, The Bounce Back Diet™, which will help millions, who are blindsided by Crazy Cravings™ and overpowering emotions after the death of a loved one, a divorce or breakup, moving, losing a job, or another life-changing event. Get free gifts at

Overdosed on Halloween Candies? 6 Easy Ways to Rebound After Relapse

Please let us know how you’re doing. What are your favorite ways to get back on track?
Halloween_funny_pic_07-400x300If you’re like millions of Americans, yesterday, you overdosed on candies, in large part, because Halloween is a sanctioned National Sugar Overload Day.
For years now — ever since 1998, when I kicked sugar on doctor’s orders — on The Day After Halloween, I hear from frustrated, disappointed, Sugar Shocked people, who want to know how to Get Back on Track.
For instance, today, a determined Christie wrote to say:
“I’m ready to kick sugar again…..again!!! Ready to sleep better at night, have more energy during the day, and have the brain fog lifted!”
If you, like millions of Americans, pigged out on Halloween candies, you’re probably reeling from Sugar Shock — which means you may be feeling dizzy, headachy, sluggish, irritable or wiped out.
Since you’re not feeling so great, here are 6 easy ways to help you Rebound After Relapse™, as I call it,
1. Drink plenty of water. That, of course, you probably know. Add some lemon, too, if you can.
2. Ditch the Sweet Stuff or Hide it in Your Car Trunk. Please don’t keep leftover candies in your home. Temptation can lead to one bite, which, of course, can lead to many more.
Now, if you’d rather not be restrictive with your kids because you feel that they’ll then want more candies, then ration them out. Let your childreen have 2 small candies per day. Then hide the rest in your car trunk or another place that’s not easily accessible.
3. Treat Yourself to Nutritions Meals.
Given that yesterday you tricked yourself, today’s the day to treat yourself with nourishing meals. Think quality protein (free-range chicken, fish, etc.), healthy fats (like a little olive drizzled over your dinner), and quality carbs (a salad and veggies).
4. Savor Sweet Potato & Sweeten with Cinnamon.
If you find yourself craving something sweet today — which can be expected — try sprinkling some cinnamon on a cooked sweet potato or pumpkin. Not only is this combo yummy, but cinnamon, as a 2007 study showed, may lower your blood sugar after meals, (See the actual study here.) You also can add a dash of olive oil or flax oil, which makes your dish quite tasty. In fact, you can make this your dessert.
5. Sniff Away Your Cravings & Stress.
Since today, you may be feeling especially stressed since you ate a lot of sugar-filled candies, try dabbing on some lavender, which research shows can diminish stress, which is a prime trigger for food cravings. The various chemicals in lavender — such as Linalol, linalyl acetate, geranyle, eucalyptol, pinene, limonene, cineole, phenol, coumarins, and flavonoids — work together by “ stimulating smell receptors in the nose, which then send messages through the nervous system to the limbic system.” That’s “the part of the brain that controls emotions,” according to The Mayo Clinic.
6. Join fitness and nutrition expert JJ Virgin, for for another livestream event with top health experts.
JJ, whose new book, The Sugar Impact Diet, comes out next week, is following up her previous event on Thursday. Today, she’ll speak to cultured foods expert Donna Gates, along with nutritionist Christa Orecchio and Dr. Nalini Chilkov,, who will discuss sugar’s connection to cancer.
A very special thanks to for this entertaining graphic.
Personal Note from Connie: As you may know, I’m home now with a nasty flu, but I really wanted to help you Get Back on Track after Halloween whille I rest.
Please let us know how you’re doing. What are your favorite ways to get back on track?

Have a Healthy, not Haunted Halloween

Today’s Halloween, a day that really spooks me.
The reason Halloween frightens me is because it’s a sanctioned and heavily promoted National Sugar Overload Day. (That’s what I call it.)
Tonight, during and after trick-or-treating throughout their neighborhoods, millions of kids — and their parents — will be stuffing their faces with candies galore.
But candies don’t just grab our attention on this one night alone.
Tomorrow and in the coming days, both youngsters and kids will be gorging on candies.
Worse still, Halloween kicks off an entire two-month Season of Mindless Sugar Gorging.
This is utterly frightening, because when you overdose on candies and other sweets, you’re speeding towards obesity, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes—and an early death.
Today, I’d planned to present an exciting special Gab with the Gurus Halloween show. My guests were High Voltage (Kathie Dolgin), author of The Sugar Savvy Solution, and Barry Friedman, founder of 30 Days Sugarfree.
Alas, I had to cancel the Gab with the Gurus Show since I’m sick with a nasty cold/flu and need my rest. Instead, I invite you to watch this video with me, thanks to Chris Morrow for iCNN.
CB – pink shirtAbout Sugar Shock Blog Founder Connie Bennett: Connie Bennett is a former pooped-out, fuzzy-headed, sugar-addicted journalist, whose 44 baffling ailments completely vanished in 1998 after she quit sugar and quickie carbs on doctor’s orders. For the past 16-plus years, the energetic, charismatic, self-mocking Sweet Freedom Guide™ has been sharing The Sour Scoop about Sweets™ and helping people worldwide Get a Sweeter Life that Rocks™. Connie is a transformational speaker, certified health coach, certified life coach, EFT practitioner, Gab with the Gurus host, and bestselling author of Beyond Sugar Shock, which was endorsed by many leaders such as Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Dr. Daniel Amen, JJ Virgin, Brian Tracy, John Assaraf, and High Volltage (Kathie Dolgin). Her first bestselling book, Sugar Shock, was praised by Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Christiane Northrup and many more. Connie is now planning the first Sugar World Summit, which will feature 29 of the biggest names in sugar and carb addiction, recovery, mindful eating, compassion, and weight loss, etc. She is also completing her next book, The Bounce Back Diet™, which will help millions to Rebound After Relapse™, after they’ve been walloped by the death of a loved one, divorce, moving, financial loss or another life-changing event. Stay in touch at Sugar Shock Blog updates here.

Get Help Before Halloween from JJ Virgin

It’s time to share a great treat with you.
This is sweet, but not the dangerous, sugary kind.
Tomorrow, before the Season of Sugar Gorging kicks off (Halloween), get help from renowned fitness and nutrition expert and New York Times bestselling
author JJ Virgin.
JJ–whose groundbreaking book, The Sugar Impact Diet, hits bookstores soon—is helping you Thursday in a complimentary online video event.
Watch at:
Watch to get the scoop about:
JJ’s latest discoveries about how we’ve been looking at sugar all wrong.
Her new SID 4T protocol, which gives you control over sugar in 2 weeks.
Frustration-free ways to keep sugar off your plate at every meal—including how to weed sugar out of your fridge and pantry.
And much more.
In this exciting program, you’ll also get:
Sugar-busting strategies from such stellar experts as Dr. Sara Gottfried
and gluten expert Dr. Tom O’Bryan, who’s on now.
JJ is even giving away some great prizes such as goodies from Vital Choice Seafood and more.
If you missed this event, JJ’s doing another livestream Saturday with more exciting experts — cultured foods expert Donna Gates, along with nutritionist Christa Orecchio and Dr. Nalini Chilkov,, who will discuss sugar’s connection to cancer. – See more at:
k to cultured foods expert Donna Gates, along with nutritionist Christa Orecchio and Dr. Nalini Chilkov,, who will discuss sugar’s connection to cancer. – See more at:
ay, she’ll speak to cultured foods expert Donna Gates, along with nutritionist Christa Orecchio and Dr. Nalini Chilkov,, who will discuss sugar’s connection to cancer. – See more at:
See you in the chat area on JJ’s livestream?
About Sugar Shock Blog Founder Connie Bennett: Connie Bennett is a former pooped-out, fuzzy-headed, sugar-addicted journalist. After she quit sugar on doctor’s orders in 1998, ALL 44 of her baffling, crippling ailments (brain fog, PMS, headaches, etc.) vanished, and she became “reborn.” For the
past 16-plus years, the energetic, charismatic Sweet Freedom Guide has been devoted to sharing The Sour Scoop about Sweets and to helping people Get a Sweet Life that Rocks™. Connie is now a transformational speaker, certified health coach, certified life coach, EFT practitioner, Gab with the Gurus host, and bestselling author of, Beyond Sugar Shock, which was was endorsed by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Dr. Daniel Amen, JJ Virgin, and many others, and, Sugar Shock, which was praised by Dr. Mehmet Oz and
Dr. Christiane Northrup. Connie is now planning the first Sugar World Summit, which will feature 21 of the biggest names in sugar and carb addiction, recovery, mindful eating, compassion, and weight loss, etc. Connie is also completing her next book, The Bounce Back Diet™, which will help millions, who’ve lost their way around food when walloped and blindsided by overpowering emotions and challenges such as death, divorce, moving, financial loss or another life-changing event. Stay in touch. Sign up for Sugar Shock Blog uupdates here.

Broke Your Diet? Give Yourself Compassion to Get Back on Track

Have you broken your diet?
Have your circumstances — whether due to to hearbreak, stress, trauma or grief — led you to ditch your resolve to eat eat cleanly so you can shed your dreaded excess weight?
Now that you’ve blown your diet, are you beating yourself up now for letting yourself go and mindlessly shoveling in unhealthy, sugary, fatty or salty unreal foods?
Woman shoveling plate in front of mouthPlease take a brief time out.
It’s time to hit the pause button.
Beating up on yourself after you blow your diet won’t make your life or your body better.
Instead, at this time, the first step you want to take to Get Back on Track is to Shower Yourself with Compassion.
Yes, it’s time to cut yoruself lots of slack.
Yes, you blew your diet. Yes, you gained weight. But probably had some darn good reasons for falling off the diet wagon.
It’s imperative to give yourself compassion after you blow your diet.
A year and a half ago, I learned a lot about the power and health ramifications of mindfully giving yourself loving-kindness, acceptance, empathy, and compassion after you blow your diet or do anything else self-destructive or counter productive.
Self-CompassionNewJacketIn fact, I decided to learn more about the power of compassion by attending a fabulous fsix-day workshop on Mindful Self-Compassion for Professionals with renowned self-compassion researchers and advocates Kristen Neff, Ph.D., and Christopher Geremer, Ph.D.,
You see, I needed to become compassionate myself, because I, too, had blown my clean way of eating.
You can read My Carb Confession here, where I reveal that I had a major relapse while healing from My Bittersweet Last Year with Mom.
At the time, after gaining 20 extra pounds, I was absolutely mortified.
I even hid out, especially from fellow health experts, because it was agonizingly difficult to admit that I’d fallen off the wagon since Ii’m a recognized sugar and carb expert, who has eating cleanly since 1998 (well, for the most part).
You derive many benefits from giving yourself self-compassion, according to Dr. Krisin Neff:
You reduce your anxiiety, depression, stress, desire for perfectionism, body shame, and fear of failure.
You also increase your life satisfaction, happiness, self-confidence, optimism, curiosity, creativity, and gratitude.
If you’ve blown your diet or are beating up on yourself for other self-destructive behaviior, I highly recommend that you check out Dr. Neff’s book, Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself.
Stay tuned for more tips and tactics to help you Rebound After Relapse.
Join the Conversation: Have you had a diet relapse? If you like, share when and why, too.
About Connie: Since 1998, after kicking sugar and fast carbs on doctor’s orders and bidding 44 ailments farewell, Connie Bennett achieved acclaim as a health expert, Sweet Freedom Coach and author of the bestselling books, Sugar Shock and Beyond Sugar Shock. But in 2012, after the grueling, year-long traumatic terminal illness and subsequent death of her mother, Connie did massive Heartbreak Carb Bingeing™. The upshot? She gained 21 pounds. Oops! Now, Connie’s back to help you, too, Rebound After Relapse™. Sign up for Connie’s mailing list to get tips so you can Bounce Back After Relapse™. And stay tuned for Connie’s upcoming book and companion program.

Basketball Great LeBron James Ditches Sugar, Quickie Carbs & Dairy for 67 Days

LeBron james_20k_011513 (2)
Hurrah to a leaner LeBron James, who’s now drawing attention to a cleaner way of eating, thanks to his strict, off-season diet.
HIs slimmer physique came about because he ate “no sugars, no dairy, no carbs.” (Well, that’s not exactly true, because vegetables contain carbs and fruits contain natural sugars.)
“All I ate was meat, fish, veggies and fruit. That’s it. For 67 straight days,” James told reporters at the unveiling of his new LeBron 12 sneaker.
The athlete’s meals — photos of which he’s posted on Instagram — look qjuite tasty.
For one lunch, as he shared, he ate arugula salad with chicken, strawberries, mango, cashews and olive oil or lemon oil vinaigrette dressing.
James stuck to his diet while vacationing in Greece, and he even turned down a personalized cake offered to him, because it contained sugar.
The 6-foot-8-inch Cleveland Cavaliers forward, who is entering his 12th NBA season, says he lost weight to be in top shape for training camp and to test his “mental fortitude.”
While we don’t know exactly how much weight James lost, it’s probably between 10 to 20 pounds.
James was quite disciplined and determined even though, as he joked, “I had a cookie monster chasing me a few times in my dreams.”
You can watch James below discuss his diet, starting at 2:44.
Join the conversation: Are you ready to try a diet like this?

How to Reverse Fatigue: Your 3-Step Plan to Feeling Awesome: Guest Post by By Yuri Elkaim

Note from Connie: Today, it’s my pleasuret to present a guest post from my colleague Yuri Elkaim, author of the new book, The All-Day Energy Diet.
Join Yuri and me tomorrow, when he joins my Gab with the Gurus Show to tell you how to get more consistent, steady energy. Remember, as with all of my shows, you can listen live or later.
600px_The-All-Day-Energy-Diet1 jpg speedilic ic Z0S9KqP__GHow to Reverse Fatigue by Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, RHN
If you’re tired most of the time, then it means your body is crying for help. Low energy is a warning sign that something inside your body isn’t quite right.
Considering the amount of sickness and “overweightness” that has now engulfed our world, it’s no surprise that more and more, people are feeling exhausted.
What’s important for you to know is that when you improve your energy, you improve your health.
The most common question I get asked is, “Yuri, what’s the #1 thing I can do have more energy?”
Thankfully, the answer to that question is easy to answer. And it has nothing to do with shots of espresso or sugar-filled treats.
The secret to fatigue-proofing your body (and raising your overall level of health) boils down to optimizing what’s going on inside your body.
Yuri ElkaimLet me explain…
Each of us is at war, and we don’t even know it. The private war we each wage is a daily assault on our body by acid-forming foods such as alcohol, animal products, and refined sugars, as well as by bacteria, virus, fungus, yeasts, and molds.
We have entered what might be referred to as critical mass when it comes to this onslaught being waged against us by stronger and stronger killer bugs and poorer and poorer food choices.
Our immune systems are becoming weaker and over-taxed in this war. Even the medical profession’s first line of defense, the antibiotic, is becoming less and less effective against resistant new strains being created daily as the bacteria mutate.
Since Louis Pasteur discovered the germ theory of disease stating that germs are the cause of disease, time has corrected him. Even Dr. Pasteur himself noted in his dying words: “The germ is nothing, the environment is everything.”
The environment referred to in Dr. Pasteur’s statement is known as our biological terrain and refers to the health of our “internal” environment.
A major determinant of our internal health is the acid-alkaline balance within many of our body’s fluids, namely our blood.
Our blood is alkaline by design and acid by function – meaning that it produces acid as a function of metabolism. Maintaining proper alkalinity is therefore essential for life, health, and vitality.
Under ideal alkaline conditions, the red blood cells (RBCs) within our blood are able to deliver energy-producing oxygen to our cells. However, an imbalance of alkalinity creates a condition whereby our RBCs begin to clump together, making it more difficult for them to reach their ultimate destination and drop off that much needed oxygen to our cells.
And if your blood is sluggish, you will be, too.
Leading biochemists and medical physiologists have recognized pH (or the acid-alkaline balance) as the most important aspect of a healthy (and energized) body. They have long known that the maintenance of an alkaline pH in the tissues and cells is critical to our health.
For instance, Dr. Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize recipient, was the first to show that cancer cells cannot grow in alkaline environments.
Unfortunately, for most people, current lifestyle habits have created highly acidic bodies. The standard western diet is characterized by an overindulgence of all types of foods and drinks that disrupt our blood’s ideal pH balance. As a result, we feel less than ideal as we go through our days.
So how can you make your body (your blood really) more alkaline to stay healthy and energetic? Here are a few simple steps you can take immediately:
Eat and drink more greens. Green vegetables are the greatest source of alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and they deposit a large alkaline load in the body. They are pure energy, and they also give your body tremendous amounts of vital nutrients. The easiest way to benefit from their powers is to enjoy a fresh-pressed green juice or homemade smoothie at least once per day.
Limit your caffeine consumption. I know this might be tough, but caffeine is a huge contributor of acid and provides unnecessary stimulation in your body. Other than the quick “artificial jolt” that it produces, chronic reliance on this stimulant taxes your adrenal glands (which are needed to help you cope with stress) and wreaks havoc on your blood sugar levels, both of which affect how you feel throughout the day.
Start your day with a glass of freshly squeezed lemon water. Lemon, although acid in nature, is alkaline-forming inside the body. It is also highly beneficial for cleansing your liver, the organ responsible for filtering toxins that circulate in the body. Happy liver, happy body.
Apply these simple steps and you’ll be well on your way to having more energy from the time you wake up until you call it a day.
Here’a one quick recipe to help you on your way:
Sprout Salad
Makes 2 servings
3 cups sprouts (broccoli sprouts, alfalfa, lentils, etc.) 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Splash of lemon juice
Pinch of sea salt
Fresh ground black pepper
Combine sprouts and tomatoes in a bowl.
Whisk all other ingredients together. Combine vinaigrette with sprout mixture and serve.
Yuri Elkaim is a holistic nutritionist, fitness expert, and author of The All-Day Energy Diet. He is known for helping people enjoy all-day energy and amazing health in a very short period of time without radical diets or gimmicks. He’s on a mission to transform the lives of more than 10 million people by 2018. For more visit
Note from Connie: Remember to catch Yuri this week when he comes on my Gab with the Gurus Show to tell you how to get more consistent, steady energy. (As with all my Gab with the Gurus Shows, you can listen live or later.