Most of Us Get Cravings

Chuckle or at least smile at this clever cartoon from the amazing Isabella Bannerman. Are you anything like this when cravings strike?

What is Your Biggest Question about Kicking Sugar or Carbs?

Please help me to help you. What would you like to know?

Post your burning question(s) below about sugar, carb addiction, weight loss, natural sweeteners, etc.

The reason I’m asking is that I’m now working on a book in which I answer 101 Frequently Asked Questions.

What No One Tells You About Carbs

In an episode of the TV show, “How to Get Away with Murder,” addiction psychologist and former heroin addict Isaac Roa (portrayed by Jimmy Smits) — the therapist for recovering alcoholic Annalise Keating (Viola Davis) — has a relapse and ends up in the hospital.

Celebrating 20 Years Sugar-Free

This is a big week for me. Specifically this Sunday. On that day, I’ll have gone an entire 20 Years Sugar-Free. I’m […]