Tomorrow Night’s Free Tele-Seminar With Low-Carb Expert

Low carb isn’t dead, as the media like to tell you.

Sure, you can’t find many foul-tasting, processed, low-carb products any more. But cutting back on culprit carbs is very much alive, and you’re invited to learn how.

Join my free tele-seminar tomorrow night (Thursday) featuring weight-loss guru low carb expert Jonny Bowden, who will tell the total truth about low carb and how you can peel off the pounds this way.

This complimentary tele-seminar is sure to open your eyes to low-carb myths and mistakes.

During the program, entitled “Learn the Fiction & Facts About Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Diet,” I’ll interview renowned nutritionist Jonny Bowden, M.A., C.N., C.N.S., author, Living the Low Carb Life: Choosing the Diet that’s Right for You from Atkins to Zone.

Jonny, the "Weight Loss Coach" for both and, will tell the truth about how kicking refined carbs and low-quality carbs can enhance your health and life.

By the way, I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing Jonny several times for my upcoming book, SUGAR SHOCK! and I even took a class from him, and he’s one articulate nutritionist, who has a unique ability to make nutrition come alive and sound simple. You’re really in for a rare treat to listen to him.

Mark your calendars now: Tomorrow night’s eye-opening tele-seminar begins at 5:30 pm Pacific / 7:30 pm Central / 8:30 pm Eastern.

To attend, just sign up at and the phone numbers and pass codes will be sent to you.

          Half hour coaching with Connie (4 prizes)

         The book Living the Low Carb Life (2 prizes)

Can’t Make It? Don’t fret. You’ll be able to purchase the MP3s within a day or two of the tele-seminar. (It’s the next best thing to being there live! Details coming soon.)

—>>> So Here’s A Quick Recap For Tomorrow Night <<<—

Get secrets to peeling off pounds and kicking sugar just by calling in tonight to a special free tele-seminar with Jonny Bowden. Just sign up here now to get in on this call and more.

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Coming Up In the Next 2 Weeks

(Module 5) Thurs., Feb. 2, 2006: “Become a “Savvy Sugar Sleuth” by Decoding Food Labels.” Guest: NNutritionist Jill Vollmuth, B.S., C.N.C.

(Module 6) Thurs., Feb. 9, 2006: “Are Artificial Sweeteners Such as Splenda A Smart Way to Wean Off Sugar?” Interview with Janet Hull, Ph.D., nutritionist toxicologist and author of Splenda: Is It Safe or Not? and Sweet Poison

Click here to sign up for the free tele-seminars.