3 Gifts in Honor of 12 Years Off Sugar Today!

Fireworks02What an amazing day! A dozen years ago today, on April 15, 1998, I very reluctantly took the advice of my doctor and ditched sugar. It was either clean up my diet or continue to be waylaid by 44 ailments, from migraines to heart palpitations to severe fatigue to severe PMS.

In honor of my 12 years off sugar, I bring you three gifts. First, you can listen below to my fun anniversary radio show today, where I reminisced about my life back in 1998 when I was riddled by a whopping 44 symptoms.

Then, I thanked and interviewed my gracious heroine and selfless savior Roberta Ruggiero, founder and president of the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation, which has helped millions of people around the world who are suffering from low blood sugar.

On today’s Gab With the Gurus Radio Show, you also can listen to two of my clients, Dawn and Terri, talk about their lives were dramatically transformed by kicking sugar. Then, you can get insights from former sugar addict Karly Pittman, who now runs First Ourselves to help women with food issues.

Finally, you can catch my interview with journalist Dana Kennedy, who now runs her entertaining, insightful, A Year Without Candy blog. Read my recent interview with Dana about her creative venture to boot candies out of her life.

Now, listen to yesterday’s interview with another of my heroines, the anti-sugar pioneer Nancy Appleton, whose recent book is the eye-opening Suicide by Sugar.

Roberta Now that I’ve made it to this special day of 12 Years Sugar-Free (mostly), I’d like to again extend my profound gratitude to Roberta Ruggiero, without whose help I may have never made it. I certainly wouldn’t have written my book Sugar Shock! if it hadn’t been for her steadfast, consistent, loving support. Nor would I be here helping others to get over their sugar habit.

Speaking of helping others, gift # 3 is a free teleseminar to give you Tips to Let Go of Your Sugar Addiction. Sign up her to get the audio replay.

So would you like me to do for you what Roberta did for me back in 1998? It would be my honor to help you Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction in 6 Weeks, starting April 20. If you act now, you can get the Early Bird Special, which ends today.

Let me help you Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction in 6 Weeks so you can lose weight, boost your energy and get out from under that monkey on your back.

One thought on “3 Gifts in Honor of 12 Years Off Sugar Today!

  1. Dear Connie,
    I just got back from a full day of meetings and then checked in on your blog. What a beautiful surprise to read what you wrote about me and my organization, The Hypoglycemia Support Foundation, Inc. I deeply appreciate your kind words of praise and appreciation.
    Congratulations on your success…I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished!
    Here’s to your health,
    Roberta Ruggiero

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