Note from Connie: Well this new finding (if you want to call it that) certainly come as no surprise. Americans eat too many sugary, fatty foods that aren’t nutrient rich. So says a new study. Jennifer brings you details. Please bear in mind that I’m not a fan of all the FDA recommendations in the first place, but stressing vegetables and fruits sounds like a good idea.
Americans consume too many foods high in added sugars and solid fats and not nearly enough nutrient-rich fare the FDA recommends, according to research in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
In fact, the study says, "the foods that contribute most to discrepancies between recommendations and actual intake—are sweetened carbonated beverages and other sweetened beverages, grain-based desserts, nonskim dairy products, and fatty meats."
Americans also seem to prefer vegetables like tomatoes and starchy potatoes over dark leafy greens, the study informs us.
Thanks to the Medical News Today for running the ADA’s press release on this research.
Jennifer Moore for SUGAR SHOCK! Blog