Gastric Bypass May Cause Hypoglycemia

Boston scientists are warning physicians that gastric bypass surgery patients may develop hypoglycemic complications, United Press International reports.

Collaborating researchers at Boston’s Joslin Diabetes Center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Brigham and Women’s Hospital recommend that doctors monitoring such patients should be alert for a new, potentially dangerous hypoglycemia complication that, while rare, may require quick treatment.

News like this leads me to wonder if it’s worth it for a morbidly obese person to have gastic bypass surgery. Having hypoglycemia, as I can testify, can be quite challenging. (I get very lightheaded and brain foggy if I wait too long between meals.)

But, let me confess: I do NOT know what an obese person is going through that leads him or her to want such surgery.

However, I do know of obese people having lost tremendous amounts of weight without such surgery. Just check out Jimmy Moore’s story—he lost 180 pounds just by cutting out the processed carbs and sugars and exercising.