High Fructose Consumption Linked to High Blood Pressure

The evidence keeps pouring in pointing to the dangers of fructose, which are found in soft drinks and most processed foods, from breads to cookies to crackers.
The latest study, which finds that people who consume the amount of fructose found in two-and-a-half soft drinks a day appear to have a higher risk of hypertension, appears in the current issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
People who took in at least 74 grams (about 18.5 tsp.) per day had 26% to 77% greater odds of crossing various thresholds of elevated blood pressure (P<0.05 for all), compared with lower levels of consumption, according to Diana Jalal, MD, of the University of Colorado Denver, and colleagues. "Limiting fructose intake is readily feasible, and, in light of our results, prospective studies are needed to assess whether decreased intake of fructose from added sugars will reduce the incidence of hypertension and the burden of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. adult population," they wrote online in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. One of the best ways to reduce your consumption of high fructose corn syrup is to just eliminate soft drinks. There is no human requirement for soda! To get a flavor for how soft drinks can pack on the pounds -- one that will make your stomach turn -- watch this "Pouring on the Pounds" ad from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.


Thankfully, I often hear from fans of my book SUGAR SHOCK! But yesterday, I was honored and grateful for this amazing remark […]


Since gingerbread cookies, eggnog, candy canes and chocolate geld (coins) abound at this time of year and you’ll undoubtedly often be offered those and other tempting sweets this month, I invite you to start a process of self-discovery.
That’s right, in my opinion, December is not the month to kick your sugar habit (unless you insist!)
Instead, I encourage you to learn what shock is and then do what I call “sugary soul searching” so you can learn if this applies to you.
We’re revisiting the definition of SUGAR SHOCK! — which I gave here on this blog, in October 2006 — because my new Facebook friend Terri nudged me by asking, “What do you mean by Sugar Shock Connie?? I love how it sounds!!”
So here’s my definition of sugar shock, which is also included in my book of the same name. (You can get a sneak peek of my book SUGAR SHOCK! here.)
Please bear in mind that sugar shock is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, including some one-quarter to one-half of the U.S. population.
SUGAR SHOCK!™ defined – A mood-damaging, personality-bending, health-destroying, confusion-creating constellation of symptoms affecting millions of peoople worldwide, who often turn to processed sweets and much-like-sugar carbs, which send their blood sugar levels wildly soaring and plummeting.
The term SUGAR SHOCK! is intended to encompass the often-misdiagnosed and maligned condition of reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), as well as other blood sugar disorders, from insulin resistance to diabetes.
Considerable research reveals that repeatedly overconsuming sweeteners, dessert foods, and culprit, quickie carbs (such as white rice, French bread, chips, etc.) wreaks havoc on your blood sugar levels, overstimulates insulin release, triggers inflammation, and could contribute to more than 150 health problems, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, severe PMS, failing memory, depression, mental confusion or “brain fog,” mood swings, Candida, sexual dysfunction, infertility, wrinkles, acne, and early aging.
Victims of SUGAR SHOCK! also may experience such baffling symptoms as excessive fatigue, headaches, dizziness, cold sweats, anxiety, irritability, tremors, crying spells, drowsiness or the opposite (sleeplessness), forgetfulness, heart palpitations, nightmares, blurred vision, muscle pains, temper outbursts, suicidal thoughts, and more.
Ultimately, this insidious SUGAR SHOCK! roller-coaster effect brought on by eating too many inferior carbs hampers sufferers’ ability to function at full throttle–or even half throttle.
Does this sound like something you or a loved one is going through? Would you like to learn more about sugar shock?
Grab a sneak peek now of my book SUGAR SHOCK! now.
Or just get your copy of SUGAR SHOCK! now to read during or after the holidays. This book is ideal to read in January so you can break free of your habit to lose weight, get energy, focus better, become happier and, of course, healthier.

Reader Admits That Her Sugar Addiction Story is Embarrassing, Too: What Do You Think?

Frequently, I hear from readers of SUGAR SHOCK! In fact, of the hundreds of emails I receive daily, those from readers are the most heart warming.
Here are some comments that came in yesterday in response to my email, in which I invited people to take a sneak peek of my book, get my shocking definition of sugar shock; learn my rather embarrassing story and how I used to act quite undignified when consuming sugar; and discover startling information about how millions are harmed by their excessive sugar consumption.
Kim [I changed her name to protect her privacy] from Michigan wrote:
“Embarrassing [sugar] story? It’s exactly like my own life! Talk about humiliation. I’ve spent years in hiding, afraid that someone would find out. Yesterday, I received my copy of ‘Sugar Shock’ in the mail and I promise to do those things that freed you from a life of shame. My husband will reap all the benefits of having a much happier wife. We have been right at the door of divorce for almost 19 yrs. [He] has tried everything to get rid of this dark cloud of depression! Thank you, Connie for being our answer to prayer. Sincerely, [name], a trampled housewife, in Michigan”
Don’t those remarks just bring tears to your eyes — or at least choke you up?
If you’re a reader of SUGAR SHOCK!, please feel write to me. I’m always eager to hear your thoughts, no matter what they are.
Share your thoughts now.
Would you like help to kick your sugar habit so you can lose weight, get more energy, enjoy better relationships and become happier? Learn how to break free now. (Next program begins tomorrow.)

Sugar Shock! — A Success Story

Given my hectic schedule, I rarely take time out to share some of the hundreds of comments that I regularly receive, but […]

SUGAR SHOCK! Fan Makes My Day

My day was just made by this post on the Life Without Donuts blog from a former donut junkie. What an honor […]