Note from Connie: Get ready to hear about a mind-boggling study, which Reuters writes about in an article entitled, "Life can be sweeter if you cut out the sugar." (Sounds like what I say all the time!)
Anyhow, German researchers found that by restricting glucose to worms, some of them lived 25 percent longer! Jennifer Moore brings you further information.
Researchers at the University of Jena in Germany and the German Institute of Human Nutrition, headed by endocrinologist Michael Ristow, blocked worms’ ability to process glucose.
As a result, the study in Cell Metabolism pointed out, their bodies produced more free radicals but then built up defenses against these harmful molecules.
Ultimately, some of these worms lived 25% longer than they would have otherwise. For humans, that translates into 15 more years on this earth, according to Reuters.
Wow! Imagine having the chance to live 15 additional, and, we hope, healthy and happy years, just by eliminating simple sugars from your diet.
Of course, that’s far easier said than done, but that’s where Connie can help you. (For instance, her book SUGAR SHOCK! contains all kinds of helpful tips and tactics so you can kick your habit.)
Naturally, this study didn’t involve any humans. Still, it’s pretty intriguing, don’t you think?
Jennifer Moore for SUGAR SHOCK! Blog
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