Wow! There’s so much to tell you about — fascinating studies galore, hot health news, inspiring tidbits and more.
You can come here to access valuable, inspiring, useful, eye-opening information.
My goal is to keep giving you information that empowers you. Which is why I’ve decided to make a change on this SUGAR SHOCK! Blog.
You see, keeping you up to date requires a lot of work. And I need help to bring you all this great info. So that’s why, I’m now relying more on the help of SUGAR SHOCK! Blog posters Jennifer Moore and Gerry Pugliese.
You see, I had to for a number of reasons.
First off, I need to take more time to rest and recuperate, because I’m dealing with an illness (not caused by sugar but by a tick!), which I’ll share more about later. Stay tuned for my radio show on August 5.
Secondly, I need more time to devote to my next book. (More about that later, too, but I’m very excited about it, and it’s designed to help many.)
Thirdly, I need to set aside time for my private clients and coaching practice. I’m also finishing up my coaching studies at iPEC, which is quite time consuming.
Fourthly, it’s a lot of work to prepare for my Gab With The Gurus Radio Show every week, when I bring you such cutting edge experts as Dr. Mehmet Oz, creativity expert Julia Cameron, The Secret stars Lisa Nichols and Marci Shimoff, etc. (FYI, for the month of August, I’m doing only one show. Know anyone with the skills and talents to be an associate producer on my radio show?)
Anyhow, I want to especially thank Jennifer and Gerry for helping me to bring you great tidbits. Of course, we’re all doing the best to ensure the accuracy of what we post, but naturally, we are human.
Dear readers, I do hope you’ll continue to enjoy this SUGAR SHOCK! Blog, and we all look forward to your comments and suggestions.