It’s Official: Publisher’s Marketplace Announces The Beyond Sugar Shock Diet for Hay House

It’s official!
My next book, Beyond Sugar Shock (now called The Beyond Sugar Shock Diet), is on the way, thanks to the amazing publisher Hay House, which brings you a remarkable array of empowering self help, inspirational and transformational books, products and events. (Although I’m a trained writer, I can’t even begin to describe my excitement at being with them! It’s a dream come true! This remarkable company will help me to serve you better!)
Anyhow, on Oct. 20, Publishers Marketplace, which provides news for publishing professionals, posted this announcement. (FYI, you can’t access link anymore unless you’re a member.)
Sugar Shock author Connie Bennett’s BEYOND SUGAR SHOCK: The 6-Week Plan to Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction & Get a Slimmer, Sexier & Sweeter Life, to Patricia Gift at Hay House, for publication in Winter 2012, by Wendy Sherman (world).
Hay House, Inc. 125×125
It bears repeating that I’m really honored, grateful and thrilled to be with the amazing Hay House, which can inspire you anytime, thanks to its amazing the amazing Hay House Radio and its Heal Your Life website.
By the way, in The Beyond Sugar Shock Diet, you’ll get a simple, fun, guided mind/body/spirit plan that gives you oodles of juicy, empowering, inspiring information, strategies and systems.
Learn here about how a tweeter named my book!
If you haven’t read my first book, Sugar Shock, yet, I invite you to get it now.
If you’re frustrated that your addiction to sugar or refined carbs has kept you from being the remarkable person you can be, let me help you achieve Sugar Freedom Now™! You’ll be surprised at how just this one change can help you, as I like to say, Get a Life that Rocks!™
Tired of being controlled by your sugar habit? Join liberated (or soon-to-be-liberated) Movers & Shakers at
And get even more empowered on the Facebook page for Gab with the Gurus, which celebrates its 3rd anniversary in June 2011.

Get Your Dream Body With Celebrity Nutrition & Wellness Expert J.J. Virgin

Are you tired working out and not getting the results that you desire?
Are you frustrated because you’re gaining weight and even losing your sex drive after exercising?
My friend J.J. Virgin, a respected celebrity nutrition and wellness expert, will help you to learn what you’ve been doing wrong in a free teleclass on April 22 at 1 pm Pacific (4 pm Eastern).
She’ll talk about: “Is Your Cardio Workout Making You Age Faster, Gain Fat and Lose Your Sex Drive?”
J.J. will reveal little-known information about how your workout may actually be working against you, and how you can achieve far better results in less time, without even going to the gym!
She will even share with you time-tested techniques that she has used successfully for over two decades with top athletes, celebrities and CEOs.
In a hurry? Just go here to sign up.