Become a VIP Super Friend for My Next Book, The Better Habits Diet

Would you like to lose weight, become more cheerful, boost your energy and rev up your libido? If so, then my upcoming book is for you.
You will get all kinds of tips, tactics, guidelines and information and compassionate hand-holding in my second book, the follow up to SUGAR SHOCK!
I’m now at work on the book, which is called The Better Habits Diet: Slim Down, Boost Energy, Rev Up Your Libido & Be Happier in Only 21 Days. (Please note that I’ve been calling it The White-Out Diet, but I just changed the title to more accurately reflect its broader scope.)
To learn more about The Better Habits Diet, which will give you a lot of things you’ve been requesting, visit my new blog, which will give you updates, information, pointers and more.
While you’re there, I invite you to become a VIP Super Friend of The Better Habits Diet so that you can get a free chapter of the book, attend some special teleseminars/webinars, win a chance at a free coaching session with me and get other prizes.
Visit the new Better Habits Diet Blog now.

I’ll Be at Book Expo America This Week

For this important week in publishing — during which Book Expo America takes place — my fun author friend Dr. Diana Kirschner and I are playfully going out on a limb to drum up interest in our books. Here’s a press release that’s now going out to the media today.
Authors Develop Zany, Outrageous Marketing Gimmicks to Nab Publishers & Fans in these Challenging Economic Times
NEW YORK—As thousands of authors vie for publishers’ and readers’ thumbs up in this uncertain economic climate, some innovative, pro-active authors are taking matters into their own hands by coming up with over-the-top, outrageous, humorous marketing gimmicks.
“It’s time to become an out-of-the-box-thinking author-preneur, who creates gutsy, captivating messages that nab the attention and tickle the funny bones of readers and publishers,” claims author Connie Bennett, who is laughingly walking around Book Expo America on Friday and Saturday sporting a provocative, 24”-by-30” sandwich board that says, “Are You ‘The One’?”
The amiable author’s “Are You `The One’?” message—which looks like a single’s ad—pokes fun of the fact that Bennett is both a single woman and an available author with a Big Platform, who’s seeking “a committed relationship” with a “compatible publisher” to release her second book.
“I wanted to playfully show that I have the guts, initiative and ingenuity to be a successful author no matter what the economic climate,” adds Bennett, an experienced journalist, certified health counselor, self-described “Ex-Sugar Shrew!” and author of SUGAR SHOCK! (Berkley Books) (
SUGAR SHOCK! (Berkeley Books)—a bestseller on Amazon—has a foreword by Dr. Nicholas Perricone and has been endorsed by Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Christiane Northrup and film mogul Harvey Weinstein. The book’s contributing author is cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra.
Bennett’s second book—for which she’s publisher hunting—is a fun, friendly, compassionate, diet book, The Better Habits Diet: Slim Down, Boost Energy, Rev Up Your Libido & Be Happier in Only 21 Days. Fans are already signing up in advance to buy it at a special website,
[FYI, for those of you who are waiting for my next book, I just changed the title — it used to be called The White-Out Diet.]
The single author facetiously promises on her sandwich board, “Will put out on first date!!”—meaning that she’ll share information about her new book with interested publishers.
Admittedly, Bennett is “embarrassed” by her bold sign, and she’s even offering passers-by nuts to underscore the nuttiness of her marketing campaign.

Joshua Rosenthal, Dr. Richard Linchitz & Others Are Involved in The Smart Diet Habits of Highly Successful Losers

Naturally, when you buy a health or diet book, you want to know if any celebrities and health experts are behind it.
Well, I’m pleased to announce that The Better Habits Diet has the participation of some cutting-edge people in the fields of health and wellness.
In fact, some acclaimed people already have come on board.
Baden First of all, respected integrative physician Richard M. Linchitz, M.D. – a cancer survivor himself — will serve as medical consultant for The White-Out Diet.
Dr. Linchitz’s story is amazing. Back in 1998, he was diagnosed with lung cancer (despite never having smoked).
His doctor delivered a bleak diagnosis — he told him that 55 percent of lung cancer patients people lived for only five years.
Despite the negative news, Dr. Linchitz recovered by making massive changes to his diet and lifestyle.
In fact, Dr. Linchtiz will share his tale in The Better Habits Diet. And together, we’ll offer offer his tips so you, too, can achieve optimal health and possibly even put cancer at bay.
Joshua_message_pic In addition, I’m pleased to announce that Joshua Rosenthal MScEd, the acclaimed founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), the largest nutrition school in the country, is writing the introduction.
As I’ve indicated a number of times on my Sugar Shock Blog, I attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2005 to 2006, and found this to be a rewarding, uplifting and enriching experience for a number of different reasons.
First off, one of the most exciting things about attending IIN was that we regularly listened to lectures from big-name, stellar guest lecturers — people like Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, eating disorder specialist Geneen Roth and Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard.

My Author Friend & I Are Going Zany During Book Expo America This Week

For this important week in publishing — during which Book Expo America takes place — my fun author friend Dr. Diana Kirschner and I are going out on a limb to drum up interest in our books. Here’s a press release that’s now going out to the media today.
Authors Develop Zany, Outrageous Marketing Gimmicks to Nab Publishers & Fans in these Challenging Economic Times
NEW YORK—As thousands of authors vie for publishers’ and readers’ thumbs up in this uncertain economic climate, some innovative, pro-active authors are taking matters into their own hands by coming up with over-the-top, outrageous, humorous marketing gimmicks.
“It’s time to become an out-of-the-box-thinking author-preneur, who creates gutsy, captivating messages that nab the attention and tickle the funny bones of readers and publishers,” claims author Connie Bennett, who is laughingly walking around Book Expo America on Friday and Saturday sporting a provocative, 24”-by-30” sandwich board that says, “Are You ‘The One’?”
The amiable author’s “Are You `The One’?” message—which looks like a single’s ad—pokes fun of the fact that Bennett is both a single woman and an available author with a Big Platform, who’s seeking “a committed relationship” with a “compatible publisher” to release her second book.
“I wanted to playfully show that I have the guts, initiative and ingenuity to be a successful author no matter what the economic climate,” adds Bennett, an experienced journalist, certified health counselor, self-described “Ex-Sugar Shrew!” and author of SUGAR SHOCK! (Berkley Books) (

Help for You: Got Questions? What Would You Like to Know?

I’m here to serve you and to help you lose weight, kick sugar, become healthier, boost your energy and much more.
But in order to best help you, I need to know what you want to know.
What kinds of information, tips, etc. would you like about about sugar, refined carbs and getting healthier?
And what would you like me to include in my next book, The White-Out Diet?
Let me know now so I can best help you.

Get Help to Lose Weight, Tone Up & Unwind — Just Visit Me All Over the Internet

Thousands of you often write to me to ask questions and seek tips on how to kick sugar or resolve other health issues and counter-productive habits, etc. Unfortunately, I can’t personally reply to all of you — just don’t have the time — but you can find me all over the internet.
Below you’ll find a list of places where you can find me, as well as get information, tips, articles, links and much more:
* The White-Out Diet (my next book): Spread the word about this book, which can help you Peel off Pounds, Boost Energy & Rev Up Your Libido by Breaking Free of White Foods. (That’s the subtitle.)
* The new Facebook fan page. Friend me at this page, where you’ll get links to interesting articles, etc. that I don’t have time to post here and updates about my radio show, etc. (This is separate from my regular Facebook friends page. I’m urging people to join the new page, because the old one won’t let me invite all friends with one click to upcoming radio shows other events. Thankfully, the fan page will.)
* Follow me on Twitter for short, snappy 140-character updates. Again, you’ll get tidbits that you can’t find on my Sugar Shock Blog.
* Stop Stress with Dr. Jill Baron.
* Private Coaching. Learn about the Sweet Friends Coaching Package and the Unlimited, Star-Treatment Coaching Package.
* Book a speaking engagement or media interview or buy bulk copies of SUGAR SHOCK!
* Listen to
* Get Free Stuff at the Sugar Shock website.
* Catch the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show on Blog Talk Radio, where you get inspired, motivated and educated every Tuesday at 3 p.m. EST by guests such as Marilu Henner, Suzanne Somers, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Montel Williams, Lisa Nichols of “The Secret”, blogger Robert Scoble, Twitter author Joel Comm, raw food expert David Wolfe, HARO (Help a Reporter) founder Peter Shankman and many more. Listen live or later.
* Get free podcasts of the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show so you can listen to the show at your convenience.

Slipped? Destroyed Your Diet? 7 Tips to Get Back on Track

Often, whenever I give a talk, I hear from people who started eating sugar again and who wanted some guidance. Here’s an article I wrote to help them — and you — if you fell off the no-sweets wagon.
Slipped? Destroyed Your Diet? 7 Tips to Get Back on Track
By Connie Bennett, CHHC
Did you fall off the diet wagon? Did you eat foods you promised to forego? Are you upset with yourself for “stupidly” eating sugary or fast-acting carbs?
Time and time again, my clients and readers of my book SUGAR SHOCK!complain to me about how they stumbled and fell down yete again. They desperately want to know how to get out of their muck and kick sugar, refined carbs and other horrible habits — and for good this time.
Here are 7 tips to pick yourself up and get back on track and finally succeed.
1. Be gentle with yourself. If you slip and forego your good intentions, this is not the time to berate and belittle yourself. Instead use this “mistake” to lavish yourself with compassion, understanding and sympathy. Yes, you messed up, but your’re human so give yourself a break!
2. Accept that you’re imperfect. People with food issues and unhealthy habits often tend to expect themselves to get everything exactly right–or perfect. That sets you up for a huge letdown. Now that you’ve slipped, use this as a chance to claim your humanity, which means you’ll make mistakes from time to time. Owning up to your limitations can be quite freeing.
3. Consider this a golden opportunity to start again. Instead of viewing your falling off the wagon as the most horrible dieting disaster or other fatal error that never should have happened, regard your slip as a chance to begin anew. You see, whenever you make a so-called “mistake” such as this, this could be exactly what you need! Think about it: Aren’t you always more psyched when you begin a project?
4. View your slip as a learning experience. Falling off the no-sugar, no-coffee or no-more-late-nights wagon could be just the instructive incident that you need to to break out of your habit. So be thankful (yes, you heard me right — thankful!) that you “sinned” and ate those junk foods, swigged caffeine like it was going out of style or burned the midnight oil. Now study yourself dispassionately like a lab rat to see just how much damage you caused yourself by slipping. Doing so will enable you to develop deeper resolve to boldly move forward with conviction and finally succeed.

You Keep Asking, “What Do You Eat?” — My Food Diary for You

Whenever I give a talk or take on a new client, inevitably the same questions pop up over and over again.
People want to know: “Connie, what can I eat?” or “What do you eat?”
In fact, one reviewer even took me to task for not including meal plans and recipes in my first book SUGAR SHOCK!
(FYI, meal plans were originally in my book, but my editor took out the meal plans, because adding them made the book way too long. But, rest assured, meal plans and recipes will be included in my next book, The White-Out Diet.)
Anyhow, to answer this Frequently Asked Question from you health seekers out there, I’m going to share with you for a while exactly what foods and drinks go into my mouth.
My goal here is to help you learn that eating a sugar-free way is fun, exciting and tasty.

Food Diary Forms for You: Keep Track & Your Weight Will Disappear

Keeping a food journal is a quicker way to weight loss, as I mentioned here and often remind my clients. To help you peel off those pounds, I’m providing you with a special food diary.
I encourage you to print out many copies of this page and then track yourself like a lab rat all day long. Just imagine that you’re a scientist watching the behavior of your beloved animals.
Feel free to share this Ultimate Food Journal© with friends, co-workers, gym buddies, bosses, hairdressers, fitness trainers, loved ones and frenemies. In short, spread the link love, as some say.
Sugar & Fake-Sugars Food Tracker: The Ultimate Food Journal©
Name ________________________________________
Date _________________________________________
What did I eat and drink? (Any sugary foods or drinks? Any refined carbs? Any artificial sweeteners?) How did I I feel? Was I physically or emotionally hungry? (On the 1st line, state what you ate. On the 2nd line, jot down how you felt — really hungry, angry, lonely, frustrated, furious, stressed out, etc.)
7 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
7 a.m. _______________________________________________________________

Cookies Abounded at a Conference, But I Passed Them Up. What Could You Do to Resist?

Today, I was at an authors’ conference all day long, and junk food abounded. In fact, as the day
progressed, the sugary snacks came out more often!
It never fails to amaze me how events that are supposed to help authors or entrepreneurs serve such
incredibly low-caliber snacks that actually diminish your brain capacity. (And we were supposed
to think bigtime about our books, our audiences and even our blog readers — that means you!)
So how did I resist all those cookies that conspired to land in my stomach?
First of all, these days, resisting sweets is a really simple, happy habit that I now have. I’m so used to a healthy lifestyle that having sweets just isn’t even an option. And, much to many people’s amazement, it does not bother me that I have to turn the stuff down.