Just a quick reminder that time is running out for your free membership to the upcoming Fast-Track, Kick-Sugar Countdown Program.
You can still get in free for a limited time. Just go to www.kicksugarspecial.com NOW and sign up.
But hurry.
If you act quickly, you and your friends can still get in. Just go to www.kicksugarspecial.com and get in at NO COST!
Save the dates, too! The first tele-seminar begins next Thursday, Dec. 15.
On that call, you’ll hear from several people, who’ve successfully kicked sweets. They’ll tell you how dramatically their lives have improved just by making that change.
By the way, don’t fret if you can’t make the call live — later on, the calls will be available to be downlaoded.
But you must sign up now. Spots are filling up quickly — nearly 250 spots have been given away — and paid membership will begin tomorrow, when the new website is up.
Yes, today, I’m still giving out free membership to a program that will cost $197 and $297 within a matter of days.
So ACT quickly! Take advantage now of this incredible offer of free membership to the Fast-Track, Kick-Sugar Countdown Program.