Note from Connie: Naturally, those of you reading this blog are well aware of the fact that type 2 diabetes is soaring. In fact, last month, Jennifer Moore tipped us off that “A whopping 24 million Americans now have diabetes.” Gerry Pugliese brings you info about a new report, in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine about why young adults hold the key to assessing the obesity epidemic in children.
From Gerry Pugliese
According to Reuters, researchers believe that the current rates of type 2 diabetes in young adults—coupled with the prevalence of childhood obesity—point to a “dramatic impact” on our country’s future health.
"Recent studies suggest that there have been dramatic increases in type 2 diabetes among individuals in their 20s and 30s, whereas it used to be that individuals developed type 2 diabetes in their late 50s or 60s," Joyce Lee, M.D., a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of Michigan C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital and researcher for the paper, told Reuters,
Oh man, think about that. By the kids people reach 30, they’lll be sick! And with modern medicine keeping people alive longer and longer, I weep for our healthcare system.
Not to mention drugs clearly aren’t the answer. Last week Matthew Perrone of the Associated Press reported that the FDA wants more testing for new diabetes drugs because of fears that drugs cause unforeseen heart risks.
To me, the answer seems clear. Folks, we got to get our diets under control.
Stop with all the sugar and junk food and get some exercise—please—or our epidemic will get even worse than it is.