Don’t get duped into thinking you’re eating something healthy when you’re not!
Claim your label-reading power!
That’s right, you can choose which foods to eat — not the companies that made them.
Attend my free tele-seminar tomorrow night so you can learn to find those hidden sugars and others unhealthy items in the food items you buy.
That’s right. Tomorrow night, you, too, can "Become a "Savvy Sugar Sleuth" by Decoding Food Labels."
Nutritionist Jill Vollmuth, B.S., C.N.C. and I will help you discern what’s what on those often deceptive food labels.
We won’t just tell you about sugars; we’ll tell you about fats, portion sizes and much more.
To join the fascinating program, just sign up here and you’ll get free access to this and other tele-seminars.