Praise for Beyond Sugar Shock: Thank You Dr. Dyer, Dr. Amen, Brian Tracy & More!

Buzz is now quickly building for my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock, thanks to 43 (so far) acclaimed thought leaders and distinguished health leaders, including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Daniel Amen, Brian Tracy, Dr. JJ Virgin, Dr. Christiane Northrup.
I’m so honored, grateful, and humbled that so many amazing wellness experts, empowerment gurus, and even fellow sugar-educators have come on board to endorse Beyond Sugar Shock, which I wrote to help you sugar addicts and carb addicts easily and effortlessly let go of your sugar and carb addiction.
In this Hay House book — which is officially published June 1 but you can order now on Amazon and get your copy within days — I gently take you by the hand and bring you along on a fun, compassionate six-week Mind-Body-Spirit adventure so you can easily release your sugar addiction using a variety of simple, but powerful tools and tips.
By book’s end, you’ll be leading — that’s my goal — a life that’s sweeterlicious (the word I coined to convey sweeter, delicious, scrumptious, luscious, and sensuous).
JoshuaRosenthalBeyond Sugar Shock has a foreword from one of my mentors, Joshua Rosenthal, the pioneering founder and director of the remarkable Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the largest nutrition school in the world. (I attended IIN in 2005-2006 and am now a certified health coach.)
Now, here are the endorsements received to date for Beyond Sugar Shock.
Wayne Dyer 614″I have taken the advice and guidance that Connie offers here and used it to reclaim my own well being. We have unknowingly and unwittingly become a nation of addicts, and here in this book you are given a blueprint for living a life of perfect health. Follow the easy-to-apply guidelines, and then you will be able to look in the mirror and say, `I AM finally living a healthy life.’ There is no greater feeling and it is your birthright. You were not designed to walk around in shock. A much needed book. –Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, internationally renowned author and speaker and bestselling author of more than 30 books
“If you are ready to love yourself and your body, abandon the wounds of your past, and free yourself from unhealthy addictions, then read Beyond Sugar Shock. Then, combine the information it contains with your new-found inspiration.” –Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of A Book of Miracles and Faith, Hope & Healing
“We are born loving sugar for its sweetness and its ability to help us store up fat for lean times. Times are no longer lean for most and too much sugar is ruining our health and our lives. Beyond Sugar Shock gives you everything you need to bring more sweetness and health into your life….. without the risk of sugar!” — Christiane Northrup, M.D., ob/gyn physician and author of the New York Times bestsellers:Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause (Photo above)
Daniel-amen“Sugar is NOT good for your brain. It increases erratic brain cell firing, promotes inflammation and is clearly addictive. Beyond Sugar Shock can help you get sugar out of your life and replace it with health and vitality. It is a powerful program full of easy tips and tactics.” –Daniel G. Amen, M.D., bestselling author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, Magnificent Mind at Any Age, and Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

7 Secrets to Erase Your Sweet Tooth (Free Program)

Due to popular demand and some technical issues with last night’s free program, we’re holding an encore for you so you can discover how to begin to break free of your sugar addiction for good and escape from your self-imposed misery, extra weight, and self-abuse.
Join us in another free 45-minute program tomorrow (Saturday at 8 am PDT or 11 am EDT) to discover 7 Simple Secrets to Erase Your Sweet Tooth. (Get details below on how to sign up.)
In our free teleseminar/webinar, you will discover:
1) One thing (or words) that will doom you to failure every time you try to quit your sugar or carb addiction. (You’ll also discover how to escape from this to achieve what I call “Sugar Freedom.”)
2) One super-simple, frequently ignored activity that works miracles to help calm your sugar cravings, make you feel more in control, and even improve your moods.
3) One easy way to erase your crazy cravings around that time of the month or during that time of life (if you’re going through menopause). This tool also can help you if you’re a man with low libido. This simple technique can come to your rescue no matter where you are or what tempting sweets are facing you.
4) One simple three-fold tactic (involving food) to pick yourself up if you do cheat.
5) One powerful, often-overlooked technique that can pave the way for you to ease away from your sugar addiction.
6) One simple shift that can speed you into success.
7) One easy way to begin to escape from what I call sugar bondage.
Join us at 8 am PDT (11 am EST) tomorrow (Saturday) to discover 7 Simple Secrets to Erase Your Sweet Tooth.
If you join us live, you’ll get a chance to win a special gifts.
You may be able to win:
1 copy of my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock.
Admission for 1 to my Sugar Freedom Now Course, which is a companion to Beyond Sugar Shock
A 30-minute complimentary Strategy Session with me.
Remember, If you cannot make this webinar/teleseminar live, just sign up and you’ll be able to listen later.
During our program, you’ll also get a chance to learn about my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock, and my companion Sugar Freedom Now Course.
Sign up now to join us either live or later so you can find out 7 Secrets to Erase Your Sweet Tooth.

Get Your Sweet Success Gifts Now

Today, you can order new book, Beyond Sugar Shock, which you’ll receive on Monday from Amazon.
In honor of my book becoming a reality after holding various incarnations of my Sugar Freedom Now Course for 10 years, I’m now offering you a series of fun Sweet Success Gifts.
In these short, audio gifts, you’ll get to listen to former sugar addicts tell you about their lives when they were hooked on sugar.
They’ll even share their rock-bottom moments with you.
Next, you’ll discover how their lives have been remarkably transformed.
Bear in mind that I’m not even asking you to quit sugar yet. I’m just inviting you to discover how your life can become much sweeter just because you’re quitting sweets.
The first short and sweet audio gift features chiropractor and fitness trainer Dawn Strickland, whose remarkable story will wow you, I predict.
You can read more about Dawn on page 75 of Beyond Sugar Shock, which you can pre-order here.

7 Secrets to Calm Your Sweet Tooth: Free Program Tonight

Would you like to break free of your sugar addiction for good and escape from your self-imposed misery, extra weight, and self-abuse?
Join me in a free 45-minute program today at 5 pm PDT today on 7 Simple Secrets to Smash Your Sweet Tooth. (Get details below on how to sign up.)
In our free teleseminar/webinar, you will discover:
1) One thing (or words) that will doom you to failure every time you try to quit your sugar or carb addiction. (You’ll also discover how to escape from this to achieve what I call “Sugar Freedom.”)
2) One super-simple, frequently ignored activity that works miracles to help calm your sugar cravings, make you feel more in control, and even improve your moods. (Sleep.)
3) One easy way to erase your crazy cravings around that time of the month or during that time of life (if you’re going through menopause). This tool also can help you if you’re a man with low libido. This simple technique can come to your rescue no matter where you are or what tempting sweets are facing you.
4) One simple three-fold tactic (involving food) to pick yourself up if you do cheat. (PPF)
5) One powerful, often-overlooked technique that can pave the way for you to ease away from your sugar addiction.
6) One simple way to shift into success.
7) One simple way to begin to escape from what I call sugar bondage.
Join us at 5 pm PDT today to discover 7 Simple Secrets to Smash Your Sweet Tooth.
If you cannot make this webinar/teleseminar live, just sign up and you’ll be able to listen later.
During our program, you’ll also get a chance to learn about my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock, and my companion Sugar Freedom Now Course.
Sign up now to join us either live or later so you can find out 7 Simple Secrets to Say Farewell to Your Sweet Tooth.

Easter or Passover: You’re Stronger Than These “Treats”

With Easter around the corner and Passover here, sugary “treats” will inevitably tempt you.
That’s our world’s sugary reality.
My role today is to help you to be at peace with that situation.
So let me prepare you as you face those enticing chocolate malt balls (my favorites back in 1998),
chocolate marshmallow eggs, Easter sugar cookies, rugelah, Haroset (that’s appple, cinnamon, honey, and wine), and more.
Whenever you view these sugary temptations, I invite you to arm and protect yourself with four quickie tactics.
1) When you see sweets, think “I am stronger than these desserts. I am strong enough to say no! I can say no.”
2) Look at these desserts with wonder and curiosity — as if you were a child. Try to discover why these sweets look so darn shiny, tempting or delectable. If packaged cookies are seemingly calling out to you,
study that food label carefully — as if you were cramming for a final exam!
If a friend or family member made the dessert, politely ask her or him (if you have a good relationship), what ingredients she used to create such a beautiful and enticing dish.
3) Before you dip your fork or finger into any of these “treats,” ask yourself, “Why
am I doing this?”
4) If you choose to have any desserts or “treats,” make sure to savor it BIG TIME. And decide in advance how to sete some limits. Choose ahead of time exactly how many bites you’ll have.
When you’ve reached your allotment, get off the table, and think to yourself, “I love myself enough to stop now.”
5) Inwardly boast, “I did it! I did it!” I took control over my sugar habit! Woo Hoo!”
I hope these tips help you have a glorious Easter and/or Passover.
Remember, you are strong, and you have the power to choose what goes into
your lovely body.
And remember, if you want to nibble, you can always choose hard-boiled eggs (which are full of wonderful nutrients — even the yolks) and vegetables.
Have a wonderful Easter or Passover.
By the way, stay tuned for an announcement of my FR*EE Teleseminar on Wed., April 18 at 5 pm PST (8 pm EST) on “7 Habits that Keep You Tracked In Your Sugar Addiction — and How to Break Free.”

Sugar Shock Blog Has New Banner/Logo to Include Beyond Sugar Shock

I’m pleased to announce that the Sugar Shock Blog just got a new banner.
It now includes the cover for both my first book, Sugar Shock, and my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock, which comes out in June from Hay House.
Both book covers convey that you can first discover the sour news about sugar (Sugar Shock) and then get a simple, empowering six-week program to Break Free (Beyond Sugar Shock).
By the way, I invite you to learn about the exciting recent endorsements received from such amazing peoople as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Bryan Tracy, Marci Shimoff, and John Assaraf.
In addition, my next book has been praised by such sugar gurus Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (Beat Sugar Addiction Now), Dr. Richard Johnson (The Sugar Fix), Jeff O’Connell (of Sugar Nation fame.
Learn more here about other endorsements.
Stay tuned also for exciting news about Beyond Sugar Shock Book Launch activities.
Anyhow, what do you think of the new banner? Let us know.

Is Sugar Toxic? “60 Minutes” Explores Issue: Hurrah!

Tonight, on “60 Minutes,” multiple Emmy-award winning chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta will tell the show’s viewers about new studies, which suggest that sugar is toxic.
Specifically, on “60 Minutes,” Dr. Gupta will tell viewers:
“New research coming out of some of America’s most respected institutions is starting to find that sugar could be a driving force behind some of this country’s leading killers.”
Of course, this sugar-is-toxic conclusion — which has been gaining momentum for years — is nothing new to those of you, who are regular visitors to this Sugar Shock Blog and to readers of my first book, Sugar Shock, which was first published in 2007.
Sanjay_GuptaFor my part, I’m thrilled that “60 Minutes” is devoting time to explore the question of whether or not sugar is toxic. I’ve been hoping for such a segment for years.
What I find especially exciting is that Dr. Gupta will spotlight the close cancer-sugar connection, which I also explored in my book, Sugar Shock.
I also examine recent sugar-can-cause-cancer research in my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock, which is being published in June by Hay House. (In the book, I guide readers to eaily break free of their sugar addiction by joining me in a fun, six-week Mind-Body-Spirit adventure.)
Anyhow, in the “60 Minutes” segment about sugar, you’ll watch Dr. Gupta interview respected pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert H. Lustig, whose YouTube video, Sugar: The Bitter Truth, has gone viral, attracting 2,159,456 viewers (as of today).
Dr. Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of California, is not alone in his sugar-is-toxic view.
Amazon Sug Sh 51RDZ7DBVAL._SL110_Indeed, many cutting-edge physicians, including Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra, medical consultant for my book Sugar Shock, contend that the high amount of sugar in the American diet is killing us. (By the way, I disagree with the low figures usually cited — most Americans consume far more than the 130 or 150 pounds a year that’s often mentioned in news reports.)
While I applaud “60 Minutes” for telling the nation that sugar can be toxic, I also need to congratulate Dr. Mehmet Oz for his important work drawing attention to sugar’s dangers in several episodes of the top-rated “The Doctor Oz Show.”
In one episode, Dr. Mehmet Oz even called sugar “The # 1 food Dr. Oz Wants Out of Your House.” Hurrah!
By the way, I’m honored that Dr. Oz praised my book, Sugar Shock.
Again, congratulations to “60 Minutes” for devoting a segment to this important sugar subject.
Join us on my Facebook fan page during and after “60 Minutes” airs to share your thoughts and feelings about the is-sugar-toxic segment.
Make sure to tell your friends and family members to watch this important “60 Minutes” episode.

Dr. Wayne Dyer Endorsed My Book, Beyond Sugar Shock, for Hay House: He Joins Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Dr. Christiane Northrup & Others

or and beloved teacher Dr. Wayne W. Dyer just gave me the most exciting, amazing gift!
The remarkable Dr. Dyer — author of many bestsellers, including his latest, Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting — has just endorsed my next book, Beyond Sugar Shock.
This endorsement means so much to me at this time. Although I’ve been a fan for years, lately, I’ve been relying and turning to his motivational works and books over and over again.
For instance, every morning now, I chant and listen religiously to his Meditations for Manifesting: Morning and Evening Meditations to Literally Create Your Heart’s Desire.
I’m also very eager to get his new I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation, that Dr. Dyer and James F. Twyman have created. I’m sure it will be miraculous.
So here the endorsement that Dr. Dyer so kindly gave:
“I have taken the advice and guidance that Connie offers here and used it to reclaim my own well being. We have unknowingly and unwittingly become a nation of addicts, and here in this book you are given a blueprint for living a life of perfect health. Follow the easy-to-apply guidelines, and then you will be able to look in the mirror and say, `I AM finally living a healthy life.’ There is no greater feeling and it is your birthright. You were not designed to walk around in shock. A much needed book. –Wayne Dyer”
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dr. Dyer!
So watch these fascinating interviews with him.
And make sure to sign up for a chance to get Dr. Dyer’s new book, Wishes Fulfilled, and a copy of Anita Moorjani’s Dying To Be Me, offered by Hay House, his (and my) publisher.
Watch Dr. Wayne Dyer Wishes Fulfilled | Preview on PBS. See more from pbs.
Dr. Dyer is joining many other wonderful experts, who’ve generously provided endorsements, including Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Brian Tracy, Dr. Joe Vitale, Marci Shimoff, Janet Bray Atwood, John Assaraf, and Brian Alman, Ph.D.
Nutrition gurus Dr. JJ Virgin, Dr. Oz Garcia, Dr. Jonny Bowden, Ann Cooper, Marc David, and Mark Sisson also said kind words about Beyond Sugar Shock, which offers you a fun, simple, compassionate six-week Mind-Body-Spirit adventure to easily and effortlessly release your sugar addiction.
In the book, I take you by the hand, so to speak, and coach you to Sugar Freedom so that by the time you finish the book, you’re now leading a life that’s sweeterlicious (that’s my word for delicious, combined with scrumptious, delicious, and of course, sweet).
Even fellow sugar experts have been kind enough to praise it–which gives me such profound joy.
I bow my head in gratitude to such amazing authors of sugar books or programs as Jeff O’Connell (to your left), Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, Richard J. Johnson, M.D., Jill Escher, and Kathie Dolgin (a.k.a. “High Voltage”), to whom I’m so grateful for writing endorsements for Beyond Sugar Shock.
It’s also been an honor to have several authors published byHay House (my publisher) offer endorsements.
A very special thanks go to Dr. Christiane Northrup (see photo to your left), Colette Baron-Reid, Dr. Ken Druck, Donna Gates,Lauren Mackler, and CarolineSutherland.
Read my recent Sugar Shock Blog post to read the nice things other empowering speakers and best selling authors have said about Beyond Sugar Shock.

Kick Your Sweet Tooth to the Curb: Thanks to Vital Juice

Do you have a sweet tooth?
Feeling a prisoner to your sugar habit?
Get some help now, thanks to Vital Juice, whose talented editor Maridel Reyes, interviewed me.
Read this package of articles now:
Vital Juice
Sweets Surpise
Kick your sweet tooth to the curb.
How have these sugar articles have helped you?
What’s your biggest Ahah!?
Let Vital Juice know on their Facebook fan page.
Then make sure to share your thoughts on our Facebook fan page, too.

Label Added Sugars, Urges Coalition of Health Organizations Such as the Environmental Working Group and the American Heart Association

Exciting news for those of us who monitor our sugar intake — and urge you to do so, too — for the sake of your health, weight, and moods!
A coalition of health organizations, including the Environmental Working Group, the American Association for Health Education, the American Heart Association, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, and Defeat Diabetes Foundation are calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to clearly label added sugars on ingredients lists of packaged foods so that American shoopers find it easier to eat healthier.
“By showing ‘added sugars’ on the ingredients lists of foods, consumers will be better able to evaluate the foods they purchase,” the organizations wrote in a letter dated Feb. 23, 2012 to the Honorable Margaret Hamburg, M.D., FDA Commissioner.
“To ensure consumers have this important information, we feel that the term ‘added sugars’ should be listed as a single food ingredient with a paranthetical list of the specific ingredients that account for those sugars,” the letter contends.
The groups then go on to suggest that “added sugars should be listed by descending weight, in line with current regulations. The combined weight of the added sugars should be used to determine where added sugars rank on the food ingredients label.”
I cannot emphasize how great this would be!
Your life would be so much easier when you buy packaged foods. You’d find it easier to monitor your intake of sugar, which can cause you to age quickly, get heart disease, become depressed, and many other ailments. (You can read about sugar harms you in my first book, Sugar Shock.)
In short, if food labeling such as this went into effect, you wouldn’t be so easily deceived and duped by all those added sugars!
The welcome letter to the FDA Commissioner also cited the American Heart Association’s valuable national survey data that “overconsumption of added sugars contributes to obesity” and that the average American consumes 22.2 teaspoons of added sugars per day or the equivalent of 355 calories. (I believe for many, they consume far more than this.) The AHA recommends that women get only 100 daily calories from added sugars and men only 150 calories.
In addition, the letter states that while “a healthy, well-balanced diet contains naturally occurring sugars, the `empty calories’ from added sugars like high fructose corn syrup, sucrose and corn sweetener have a detrimental effect on our diets.”
Make sure to tell these organizations such as the Environmental Working Group, the American Heart Association, The American Association for Health Education, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and Corporate Accountability International how much you appreciate their hard work on behalf of your health.
Read the complete letter here.
Then go to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Facebook page and show your support for labeling added sugars.
And tell us what you think, too.