Insulin Resistance/Alzheimer’s Connection Found Yet Again

Note from Connie: In my book SUGAR SHOCK!, I delved into the connection between poor blood sugar control and Alzheimer’s Disease. Now more research comes out linking the two. Karen James updates us.

More evidence supporting a known association between insulin resistance and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease was presented recently at the 67th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association. Read the press release Potential Road from Diabetes to Dementia in Elderly Shown.)

Indeed, University of Washington School of Medicine researchers, under the direction of Suzanne Craft, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry there, found that those whose insulin resistance improved also had improved memories. Meanwhile, those with unimproved insulin resistance did not improve their memories.

Thanks to, we learned about this four-month study into the effects of raising or lowering insulin resistance among insulin-resistant adults.

The study came about after Dr. Craft found that the brain scans of insulin-resistant adults showed identical patterns of reduced glucose metabolism as those seen in people who eventually develop Alzheimer’s. Those findings led her to theorize that lowering insulin resistance might improve memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Karen James for the SUGAR SHOCK! Blog

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