Interview with Chiropractor on L.A. Radio Station

Today, at noon EST, chiropractor Dr. William Thornton interviewed me on the Inglewood, California-based radio station, KTYM 1460 am, on the show, "Natural Health Clinic."

Dr. Bill quizzed me about my sugar addiction days and my former demeanor as a "Sugar Shrew" and about the minimal support I received upon kicking sweets and about the dangers of over-consuming these low-caliber foods.

We then discussed how you can drastically improve your health just by cutting out these culprit carbs. He also let me spread the word about how I’m helping people through my Fast-Track, Kick-Sugar Countdown Program.

I then made an offer just to the show’s listeners to get in free to this Thursday’s tele-seminar with Nancy Appleton, author of Lick the Sugar Habit.

Questions? Just post here on the blog and I’ll get back to you.

The radio show will be aired in other markets around the country as well.