Sugar Shock Funnies

Sugar Shock Funnies recently made their debut. These cartoons are meant to be shared with friends, colleagues, loved ones, Facebook fans or friends, Twitter followers, Pinterest buddies and LinkedIn contacts. Before you pass them on, I urge you to see the Permissions Guidelines below.

If you’d like to run one or more Sugar Shock Funnies on your blog or website, please play fair and learn about reprint rights.

Permissions-to-Use Guidelines: Want to use this cartoon? Specific, limited permission is granted to reprint Sugar Shock Funnies in any website, magazine, newspaper, book, movie, animation or other media under the following “professional courtesy”‘ conditions:

  1. Cartoon creator Connie Bennett and artist Isabella Bannerman should be conspicuously credited.
  2. Please notify us whenever you reprint a cartoon and run the following copy: “Reprinted with permission from, home of Cravings Crusher™ Connie Bennett, health and sugar expert Connie Bennett’s website,
  3. The specific web address should be posted below and/or adjacent to the cartoon in a conspicuous manner. If on the web, the link must be clickable.
  4. You may not use this cartoon in a disparaging context or manner.
  5. You may not charge for this cartoon.
  6. This website retains all ownership, rights and copyrights.
  7. Reprint rights may be revoked, without notice, on a case by case basis, if reprint courtesy is, in our opinion, abused.

Thank you for playing fair!