Meditation’s Many Wonders

Feeling tense, anxious and stressed out? Perhaps one of the best tips to calm down, regroup and focus with clarity is to […]

Non-Drinkers More Depressed?

From time to time, findings from research studies make me marvel in disbelief. Such was the case when I recently discovered that scientists in Norway found that those of us who are non-drinkers are more depressed, AOL News alerts us.
Wait a minute? Even though alcohol has been linked to health hazards galore, from car crashes to alcoholism, if you don’t drink, you may get blue more often?
Although I was tempted to dismiss the results, I quickly learned that this is not a study at which you should sneer. The scientists, headed up by Jens Christopher Scogen of the University of Bergen looked at a whopping 38,000 people. (It’s always a good sign when thousands of folks participate in research.) What’s more, their conclusions were published in the medical journal Addiction.
So why the startling results?

Top 10 Foods That Can Make You Sick

Often, you hear about the virtues of leafy greens, eggs, spouts and berries. But, sadly, these allegedly healthy foods have hit the […]