Creating “Green Sugar”

My focus is on educating you about how over consuming sugars and refined carbs can wreak havoc on our bodies, but yesterday and now today, I’m alerting you to how Coca-Cola, and now sugar farming is raping and pillaging the land in India and South Africa.

Sections of "South Africa’s sugar country resemble a vast green carpet that has been gently rolled across the landscape…, but environmentalists say this bucolic scene is deceptive and masks an ugly truth: that much of the sugar industry has laid waste to fragile ecosystems, its tentacles reaching deep into valleys and destroying vital wetlands."

Thus write Ed Stoddard and Spokes Mashiyane, in a fascinating article distributed via the Reuters News Service

"Environmentalists say the industry is a thirsty one that not only sucks up a lot of water but also spews dirty water back through erosion, fouling river systems and damaging habitats," the reporters explain.

Now, given the devastation that this industry is creating, many sugar farmers in South Africa — "the world’s 11th largest producer if the European Union is viewed as one — are starting to clean up their act and hoping to market their sugar as a ‘green product.’"

I urge you to read this eye-opening story.

Perhaps this article and the one about India and Coca-Cola that I posted yesterday will make you think twice before downing a Coke and slipping sugar cubes into your tea?