Got a Kick-Sugar Success Story to Tell? Let Me Interview You For This Blog! Need Inspiration? Listen to Amazing Tales of “Sugar Kickers” Here, Too

Have you successfully lost weight or overcomie another health problem by completely kicking or cutting back on sugar, refined carbs and other high-glycemic foods?

Kicking all those culprit carbs is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and get all kinds of health woes under control, as thousands of people — whom I call "Sugar Kickers" — have been telling me for years.

So, if you’re a Kick-Sugar Success Story — whether it was to lose weight, get more energy, feel better mood-wise or get your insulin resistance under control — I want to tell your tale here!

Yes, I’m pleased to announce a new feature that’s been months in the works. You get to help other people!

By sharing your tale, you will have a golden opportunity to go forth and inspire, motivate, and encourage others. Just send me a comment here, and I’ll get in touch with you immediately.

Coming up: You’ll get to read motivational Kick-Sugar Success Stories from several people who attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition with me, where we became certified holistic health counselors. (Or you’ll hear from their clients.) You’ll also get to read the inspiring tale from fellow blogger Jimmy Moore, who I interviewed for a teleseminar a few months ago.

Need inspiration and motivation to take control of your culprit-carbs habit?

If you haven’t yet kicked sugar or refined carbs, don’t fret. I know that many of you won’t want to deal with your quickie-carb habit until you learn "What’s in it for me?"

To learn about the amazing benefits of stomping out your sugar habit for good, I’ve already interviewed 12 "Sugar Kickers," who told their exciting stories in free teleseminars I conducted earlier in the year. You can hear their stories here at no cost to you.

Wait, I forgot to include myself and Roberta! Actually, you can listen to 14 of our tales. I also told my story, as did Roberta Ruggiero, who was my Kick-Sugar Guardian Angel back in 1998. (Yeah, she was the only person who helped me squash my out-of-control sugar habit!)

Want to get inspired? Listen now for free to our kick-sugar success stories.

Remember: I want to hear from you! Do you have a Kick-Sugar Success Story to share? Just send a comment to this blog, and I get back to you shortly.

3 thoughts on “Got a Kick-Sugar Success Story to Tell? Let Me Interview You For This Blog! Need Inspiration? Listen to Amazing Tales of “Sugar Kickers” Here, Too

  1. janisko – Weight Loss/Health Story….
    My story is much like that of so many others. I struggled with being overweight from childhood, trying and failing at every eating plan imaginable. By going hungry and depriving myself, I always found it easy to lose weight but could not permanently live in a constant state of hunger and deprivation. On February 23, 2004, I tried Atkins out of pure desperation and panic. I was leaving for vacation in three weeks and none of my summer clothes fit.
    I knew I could never stay on low carb long because I loved my potatoes, pasta, bread and rice too much and could never give them up permanently. Just thinking about going low carb made me freak out but I had to try something where I could lose quickly enough to get into my wardrobe.
    The rest is history. By the end of the first week I didn’t miss my “white” starches, no longer had cravings of any kind, loved what I was eating, and knew I had found an eating plan I could stick with. Initially, my doctor wasn’t thrilled, saying I could stay on it only long enough to lose the weight but after my first blood work, he started researching Atkins for himself. My cholesterol had been high for years and although I tried everything to bring it down, I wasn’t successful enough. The Atkins diet was the only answer. I now have better-than-ideal cholesterol, lost 70 lbs. by the end of 2004 and have maintained it ever since — a record for me. The best part… I love what I’m eating, can now deal with food like a normal person, am far healthier then before and know I can stay on it successfully for life, which my doctor has recommended!
    I’ve never been so happy! Janis

  2. The links to listen to the audio of the Sugar Kickers tales do not link to anything. Please check them and repost the correct urls. Thanks!

  3. I went off sugar when I was trying to struggle my way out of post partum depression. Julia Ross’ book The Mood Cure was my guide. I started taking amino acid supplements, eating more protein and more vegetables and I went off white flour and sugar.
    I remember the time when I realized it was going to have to be an all or nothing thing with regards to the sugar. It was Thanksgiving about eight months after I had first read The Mood Cure but I had probably only been completely sugar free for half that time. Then I was at a friend’s place for Thanksgiving dinner and I thought I’d try some pie and ice cream for dessert. Four tearful days later I realized there was no way I could manage with any refined sugars. “Treats” weren’t worth it.
    Over the years since then I’ve learned more things. I’ve learned that I can deal with life a lot calmer than I used to. I looked back at my childhood and realized that the majority of the incidents that led me to think of myself as a bad person were times when I was fed a lot of sugar and then a really late supper. So I’ve made peace with those incidents. But the biggest thing is just how capable I feel. I can do anything. I can meet whatever challenges life throws at me. My relationship with my husband and my children are easier because I’m not as moody, or as quick to get angry. I can be the person I want to be.
    Do I miss sugar? Sometimes. Not much though. I can sing birthday wishes to a person without any real desire to eat the cake. My taste buds have changed so even the smell of old familiar desserts smell too sweet for me. I love the sweetness of slow baked sweet potatoes, of fresh raspberries and carrots (though carrot juice is too sweet for me to drink straight). I bake refined-sugar-free fruit crumbles with apples, rhubarb and cranberries. But I don’t crave sweet and I appreciate a much larger variety of foods than I used to. Without being able to turn to sugar-sauces for flavouring, I’ve learned to use a greater variety of spices and herbs than I ever did before.

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