November is American Diabetes Month

This month (November) is American Diabetes Month, the American Diabetes Association informs us.

Therefore, this month I’m planning some posts to alert you to the dangers of diabetes and how you can prevent it or treat it, if you already have it.

This year, in particular, the American Diabetes Association is urging people with diabetes to "Make the Link! Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke.

This is an initiative of the American Diabetes Association and the American College of Cardiology which is aimed at boosting people’s awareness of the link between diabetes and heart disease.

What’s more, to coincide with American Diabetes Month, the ADA is launching the Choose to Live Challenge, a Web-based program designed to help people with diabetes take better care of themselves and lead longer, healthier lives.

Each month, the online program will spotlight a unique health "challenge" and focus on an important topic related to diabetes care.

For every new challenge, you’ll get helpful tips to reach your monthly goal. You’ll even have a chance to intereract live on the Internet with diabetes experts, participate in some interactive activities and find other online resources to help you learn more about managing diabetes.

Take the Choose to Live Challenge today!

If you’re one of those inactive people who’s been ignoring your increasing weight, bulging mid-section or mounting consumption of sweets and refined carbs, it’s time to look at the sobering facts.

As I noted here recently, the number of people with diabetes in the U.S. has jumped recently. Today, the U.S has nearly 21 million people with diabetes and another 41 million with pre-diabetes.

So, you want to do whatever you can to either take care of yourself if you have diabets or make changes so you can prevent getting diabetes.

Next, you’ll hear from Dr. Walter Willett and his astounding research showing that type 2 diabetes can, in large part, be prevented.