SUGAR SHOCK! Gets Thumbs Up On Mark Sisson’s Daily Apple Blog


I just received a hearwarming e-mail from health-and-fitness expert Mark Sisson, alerting me to the fact that his review of SUGAR SHOCK! just went up on his blog, Daily Apple.

Like millions of sugar addicts out there, Mark has his own sugar-induced horror stories, too.

Mark_sissonIn fact, he’s a former professional tri-athlete, and while training, he used to down half a gallon of ice cream every day.

But he’s learned the error of his ways, and Mark now recommends — as I do — that people eat a simple diet of low-sugar, unprocessed food, including lean protein, essential fats and, as he puts it, "reckless amounts of vegetables."

Like me, Mark is a regular contributor to Low Carb Newsline. It’s good to have yet another smart expert help spread the word about how harmful sugar can be to your health and well-being.