Which is More Addictive — Food Or Heroin? eDiet.com’s Shawn McKee Weighs In

Check out this intriguing, insightful story from eDiet.com’s tormented Shawn McKee, who delves into the fact that some people get addicted to foods.

This is a plight, alas, that he himself is can well understand. Ironically, the expert to whom Shawn consults for insights coincidentally has the unusual name of Sam Sugar. 

Turns out Sam Sugar is an M.D. and F.A.C.P. affiliated with The Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa is a board-certified specialist in internal medicine with over 30 years experience. He’s also an Associate Professor of Medicine at Rush University College of Medicine in Chicago.

For a fascinating exploration into sugar’s addictive qualities, I invite you to check out my book SUGAR SHOCK!

Specifically, I encourage you to check out Chapter 9, "Proof Pours In: New Studies Show That You Can Become Dependent on Sweets."

Thanks to Myra, a member of my KickSugar group, for referring me to the ThatsFit.com article, which, in turn, linked to the eDiets.com piece.


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