Chicken Soup: “Jewish Penicillin” to the Rescue as My Body Clamors to Kill the Lyme Disease

Recently, now that I’ve been feeling the horrific after-affects of an uninvited, infected tick, which took to me a few weeks ago (not sure where) and gave me this debiliating Lyme disease — I wrote about it here — I’ve been having the strangest food cravings — for meat and lots of fish.

(My cravings are for grass-fed, antiobiotic-free meat, of course. But my hankerings for meat are quite unique — this from a woman who, for the last year, only ate the stuff once a month at most, and before that, not for years! Seafood isn’t a new love. I reguarly have that, too, and I usually get the best, thanks to Vital Choice.)

But high-quality meat calls out to me big time! First I’m overcome by chicken soup cravings. Just had some for dinner last night and lunch/breakfast (had only one meal due to sleeping sooo much.)

Today, when I whipped out my take-out chicken soup from this fabulous restaurant, I began to wonder. Why the heck would a place — name withheld — that sells this fabulous, organic, free-range, antiobiotic-free chicken — throw in the most digusting, mostly white bread — you know, the kind that’s clearly bereft of quality ingredients?

Makes no sense. Why not toss in an amazing, seven-grain, sugar-free bread instead of this white junk?

Meanwhile, I can’t help clamoring for organic red meat. Interestingly, my new meat fling doesn’t require huge doses — usually a very small portion seems to do the trick. (I don’t measure but I’d say I have 2 or 3 ounces at a shot.)

OK, a ferocious, hard-to-think-when-it-hits headache is nabbing me and coming on in full swing. (I knew it was too good to be true that I actually felt not half-bad for about an hour, which is why I’m writing now.)

Before I go, I need to credit smart, holistic health counselor Andrea Beaman for alerting me to the fact that I should consume meat and soup with meat stock during this healing-from-Lyme-disease phase.

When she offered this fascinating recommendation, I had this epiphany. I realized: “Oh, so that’s why I’m having these strange cravings!”

Thanks, Andrea, for helping me to make sense of these I-gotta-have-meat feelings. By the way, Andrea’s one smart cookie, if you’ll forgive the expression! Learn more about her now.

Believe it or not, but I’m now exhausted after what, only one hour of work!