Clever Animated Video Parody on

You simply have to check out this animated video parody released by Dr. Joseph Mercola, and based on the health fable authored by Mike Adams (

The animation cleverly delves into the impending demise of an accident-prone town that treats symptoms of traffic accidents (skid marks) rather than their causes. In other words, it investigates the absurdity of treating diseases with drugs.

Rather than ruin the surprising or not-so-surprising conclusions and inferences, I’ll let you see the piece for yourself.

But provides a clever summation, noting that the"entertaining 7-minute video animation creatively parodies everyone involved in the existing health care system — the greedy pharmaceutical industry, the self-interested medical profession, the inept FDA, a general public ignorantly aiding in their own downfall, and even the so-called ‘crackpots’ and ‘quacks’ who are ridiculed for sounding the alarm."

Sure enough, the clever video irked some folks. Indeed, as a special report from Dr. Mercola today notes, their "information servers were attacked by a source that does not want you to know the truth about the medical industry."

This meant that yesterday "all of the site’s articles weren’t accessible for most of the day." Whether or not there’s any truth to this, Dr. Mercola suspects that their video which "sharply criticizes the current medical establishment" and which is spreading extensively across the web, including the Yahoo piece, "likely" prompoted this "retaliative attack from a company or organization that financially benefits from the corrupt conventional healthcare model."

By the way, when I looked at the video, there were still some kinks to iron out. I could only see half of it before the video just stopped mid-stream and repeated one image over and over again. I hope they get it up soon. I want to see the ending!

If you have problems viewing this, see the illustrated storyboard here.

For those of you who don’t know about this great website, it was founded by clinician and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Joseph Mercola, an osteopath. The site is the Web’s #1-ranked natural health website (and the Web’s 2nd most popular non-government health website overall, according to Web ranking engine