Coca-Cola Pushes Artificially Sweetened Coke Zero

Coca-Cola is new unveiling new TV commercials, a Wal-Mart promotion and "a school vending blitz" to promote Coke Zero, according to a document that the company circulated among bottlers, reports Caroline Wilbert of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Despite its relatively new commercial featuring a spinning Coke Zero bottle and the tagline "Real Coca-Cola Taste, Zero Calories, No Compromise," this product alarms me.

As its website indicates, an 8-ounce can contains not one, but two artificial sweeteners — 58 milligrams of aspartame and 31 milligrams of Ace-K. Studies have linked both of these sweeteners to various health hazards.

Just read what Dr. Janet Hull, author of Sweet Poison and the new Splenda®: Is It Safe or Not? writes about the dangers of these sweeteners.

Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Contributing Author Lynn Townsend Dealey: Splenda® Is It Safe Or Not?

Frankly, I find it horribly sad that people either want — or are being convinced that they want — some sickeningly sweet, cold drink that’s loaded with potentially, very unsafe chemicals.

Why can’t people just learn to regularly drink water, herbal tea and/or water sweetened with a slice of a real orange or something natural like that?