Eat Spuds & You May Have a Higher Diabetes Risk

Ah, pity the poor spuds. They get such flack for being high glycemic. Now they’re getting blamed — from scientists, no less — for increasing your risk of diabetes, Reuters tells us.

I shouldn’t be taking this so lightly, because this is a serious study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Indeed, the research from Harvard scientists sought to explore whether the high-glycemic potatoes increase insulin resistance and the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

The researchers concluded: "Our findings suggest a modest positive association between the consumption of potatoes and the risk of type 2 diabetes in women. This association was more pronounced when potatoes were substituted for whole grains."

Guess we better skip the spuds more often than not. (Darn, they’re so good, too.) And french fries — well, sad to say, but you’re opening a whole can of fatty woes by making it a habit to eat them.

So let’s hear it for fresh veggies instead of potatoes.