Get A Juicy 100-Year Lifestyle

Art_plasker_book_51paqxomzsl_bo22_2 Every so often, I learn about an inspiring, life-changing book, and I feel compelled to spread the word.

The 100-Year Lifestyle from renowned chiropractor and health expert Dr. Eric Plasker is one such book.

It basically arms you with many practical ideas, fun exercises and pearls of wisdom that can help you become a thriving, healthy, joyous centenarian.

For instance, this book recommends that you:

  • Choose quality-of-life motivation–not crisis motivation. (p. 25).
  • Undertake a personal energy inventory where you stop the energy drainers and opt for energy enhancers (pp. 37-41).
  • Take a 100 Percent Conscious Day, where you’re aware of every moment and you approach your relationships from a place of acceptance, love and kindness; eat or drink consciously; etc. (p. 55).
  • Determine which activities are killing you and eliminate them. (p. 65).
  • Decide what self-care you should incorporate into your lifestyle. (Ch. 8).
  • Plan activities that make you more in sync with your environment. (Ch. 13)

Impatient and eager to get more info?

Order Dr. Plasker’s book now,

By the way, if you’re one of those people who think you don’t have much control over how you’ll age, Dr. Plasker wants you to know that only 30 percent of how you age is based on your genetics but a whopping 70 percent is attributed to your lifestyle choices.

This friendly, easy-to read book is full of many fun, probing exercises such as determining which of your activities are energy drainers and which are energy enhancers. (FYI, Dr. Plasker — who was kind enough to endorse my book SUGAR SHOCK! — categorizes sugar as a major energy drainer.)

This book also helps you to customize your new 100-Year Lifestyle with:

  • Your 100-Year Lifestyle Assessment
  • Your Prime Time, Prep Time, Play Time Calendar
  • Your Personal Renewal Recipe
  • Your Personal Energy Inventory
  • Your Action Plan for Lifelong Change
  • Your 100-Year Balance Sheet and Income Statement

To learn how to make the 100-Year Lifestyle leap, get The 100-Year Lifestyle now.