Ice Cream in the Morning? ‘Fess Up Here

Earlier today, I had a chat with my savvy computer guy, Craig, and he told me, "Connie, your ears must be burning. I was just telling my roommate about your book SUGAR SHOCK! because he was eating an ice cream at 10:30 in the morning."

Ice cream early in the day? Oh goodness! Is that SUGAR SHOCK! in action?

This got me thinking… I remember how years ago, I used to eat lots of candies myself, beginning — yes, I confess — in the a.m.

So… Calling all morning sugar eaters! ‘Fess up here. Let me tell your story here — and maybe on my Stop SUGAR SHOCK! Radio Show. Share your pain. You’ll find that you’re in good company.

So let me help you. I’m here to support you. Talk to me now.