After many months away (since April when Coronavirus was beginning to hit hard), I decided to put my time in quarantine to good use.
I’m now thrilled to announce that while in lockdown, after years of work, I finally finished researching, writing and editing my next book.
I’m now pleased to announce that my next (and third) book is now being edited by two talented people.
You’ll hear more about my next book later, but this is the title: I blew my diet! Now wat?, Stop Blaming Yourself, Crush Your Cravings & Slim Down for Good. INSIDE: Your 21-Day Bounce-Back Plan
I do hope you’re safe and my heart goes out to all of you, who are having challenges during these unprecedented times of the Coronavirus.
If you are one of millions, who’ve gained weight in quarantine, it’s quite understandable.
These are stressful times.
To help you slim down, while in lockdown, get my free ebook, here.