Mothers-to-Be Getting More Gestational Diabetes

See this important New York Times article about how more and more women who are developing what’s called "gestational diabetes" — in other words, they become diabetic while they are pregnant.

This disorder appears to be growing fast, journalist N.R. Kleinfeld reports, and in New York, it’s risen by nearly 50 percent in about 10 years.

What does this signal?

Well, as Kleinfeld notes, there’s a "broader recognition that in the lives of many pregnant women, the arrival of the condition is significant and its impact can be grave…"

Indeed, he explains, "not only does [gesttational diabetes] identify those women at particularly high risk to develop permanent diabetes, but it may contribute to their babies’ eventually getting diabetes as well."

Again, as I’ve remarked repeatedly, it’s vital to make significant lifestyle changes, especially before pregnancncy. That, of course, means exercising regularly, getting weight within normal ranges, trimming the culprit carbs, and eating more healthy foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, ample decent protein and healthy fats.