Kerri Walsh & The Black Patch On Her Shoulder — Should I Get Some Kinesio For My Shoulder, Too?

Just wondering if I should get some Kinesio tape to put on hurting shoulder, which has been bothering me yesterday and today because I’ve been putting in more hours on the computer writing.

Thanks to Tara Parker-Pope and her fascinating post in The Well blog of The New York Times, which just made me think about doing this.

Maybe I’ll even go for a different color rather than the black used by Olympic beach volleyball champion Kerri Walsh.

After all, as you can see on these other Olympic athletes such as water polo player Lauren Wenger (left), you can even use pink and blue tape for your aching muscles.

Of course, for my part, it may be easier to just not spend so much time on the computer writing.

But I could see using this therapeutic tape on my shoulder and wrist while playing tennis. (But who could I get to help me put it on, because it sounds like it’s a skill?)

Despite my sore shoulder, I’m pretty excited that symptoms of my tick-triggered Lyme disease are dissipating (yeah!) and I’m feeling sooo much better so that I can think more clearly to do lots of writing.

But my steady stream of headaches are another matter altogether.