Let’s Say Farewell to Fast Food in Hospitals — Dr. Andrew Weil’s Much-Needed Call to Action

Why the the heck is unhealthy fast food being served in so many of our nation’s hospitals?

So wonders Dr. Andrew Weil in a concise, comelling op ed piece, "Sugery With A Side of Fries," that appeared in the New York Times.

Hurrah to Dr. Weil for bringing up this very important issue and for seeking to raise people’s awareness about this horrific trend.

In fact, at a New York converence recently, I heard Dr. Weil lament on this very topic. He bemoaned the fact that junk food — loaded with pulverized, refined starches, high fructose corn syrup, and unhealthy fats — is so readily available in places where people are supposed to be given proper medical attention and get better.

Calling all nutrition-minded doctors! Stand up and be heard! Join Dr. Weil and speak out to get fast food banished form hospital premises nationwide.