Obesity & Infertility: Excess Weight May Cause Infertility Crisis, Study Finds

Note from Connie: In SUGAR SHOCK!, I delved into the connection between eating too many sweets and processed carbs and having difficulty conceiving. Now a new study shows us that obesity also may trigger an infertility crisis among western women, a phenomenon we read about in The Guardian. Karen James brings you the scoop.

Researchers led by  Robert Norman, M.D., director of the Research Centre for Reproductive Health at the University of Adelaide, Australia, believe that the growing obesity epidemic will trigger more women to acquire a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can cause infertility and increase their risk for type two diabetes, according to a study in The Lancet.

PCOS is estimated to affect one in 15 women worldwide, according to The Guardian.
It occurs when excess male hormones in a woman’s body cause cysts to
grow on her ovaries. Irregular or missed periods, infertility, excess
hair growth, acne and metabolic syndrome are among its symptoms.

"Obesity doesn’t cause PCOS but it exacerbates it … it’s argued
that obesity will cause a crisis in infertility and I agree,” Dr.
Norman told The Guardian.

Karen James for the SUGAR SHOCK! Blog