Oprah Wants to Know: Parents, Are You Worried That Your Child is Addicted to Sugar?

Parents, are you worried that your child is addicted to sugar? If so, Oprah wants to know!

That’s right. If you’re concerned about your child’s moody, erratic, wiped-out, brain-fogged, sugar-induced behavior, read this invitation to become a guest on an upcoming episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show about this topic.

Here’s what Oprah wants to know:

"Does your child suffer from sugar meltdowns — constantly craving sugary snacks and throwing a fit when you try to take them away? After eating sweets, have you seen your child go from
happy to moodiness and tears minutes later? Do you notice a dramatic change in
his or her behavior depending on what foods he or she eats? Have you seen your
child `crash’ after the sugar high is over? Maybe after drinking soda or juice
your child seems content but his or her mood quickly spirals out of control? As
a parent, have you found yourself giving into their sugar cravings to avoid a
fight or a tantrum? If you suspect your child is becoming addicted to sugar and
it is affecting his or her behavior at home and at school, we want to hear from
you! Please email us your story only if you are willing to appear on television."

Parents of sugar-addicted kids, I know you’re out there — I’ve connected with hundreds or even thousands of you for years — please reply now to Oprah’s producers. Would you be kind enough to tell them that Connie  Bennett, the former sugar addict-turned-sugar-liberation expert and author of SUGAR SHOCK!, sent you?

Please, readers of this SUGAR SHOCK! Blog, do your part to help Oprah help your kids and millions of other sugar-hooked kids around the country (and the world).

Go ahead: If you’re concerned about your child’s sugar habit and the horrific consequences, write to Oprah’s producers now.

Naturally, suffice it to say that I’m thrilled!

Hurrah for Oprah and their
producers for planning such a show. This is exactly the kind of attention warranted by our wiped-out, cantankerous, brain-fogged soda-guzzling, candy-chomping kids.

The Oprah Show is the ideal venue to begin helping desperate, dessert-obsessed kids (and adults) so that they can break free of their habit so they can get more energy, concentrate better, be more cheerful and calm, have improved relationships with classmates and much more.

Incidentally, I’m marveling at how the
above descriptive questions from The Oprah Winfrey Show sound uncannily
similar to some of what I wrote in Chapter 17 of my book, SUGAR SHOCK!
(The title of the chapter is: "For Parents: Help Your Young Sugar Brats End Their Fits of Fury.")

Just listen to the first two paragraphs of that chapter:

The chapter begins:

almost any mother or father what happens when his or her normally
sweet, funny, loving child overdoses on candies, cookies, and sweetened
soda, and she or he will very likely complain — for as long as you’re
willing to listen — about how the kid becomes wild, wired, and weird.

grandparents, and even family friends are full of tales about how a
simply adorable, mild-mannered youngster did a complete turn-around,
becoming hyperactive, quarrelsome, confrontational, depressed,
irrational, unruly, rowdy, raging, and tantrum throwing — in short, a
little monster that I dub a `Sugar Brat.’"

Don’t the
Oprah producers sound like they’re on exactly the same wave length as
me? Congratulations, Oprah producers, for being willing to draw
much-needed attention to this unnecessary, life-damaging and even
life-shortening epidemic.

Again, parents, if you think your kid is hooked on candies, cookies, soda, etc. and acting strangely after consuming sweets, write to Oprah’s producers now. Again, I would appreciate your telling Oprah’s producers that Connie sent  you.

Thanks to my new friend Karly Randolph Pitman for alerting us to this exciting Oprah show planned.