Parents: Dr. Ludwig Will Help You Help Your Kids Slim Down & Trim the Sugar in June 20 Teleclass

Parents, I’m pleased to announce that Dr. David Ludwig (whose tips are provided above) is holding a special, one-hour teleclass on June 20 just for the thousands of readers of my blog, book and Stop SUGAR SHOCK! Minute e-zine.

Dr. Ludwig will give you advice to help your kids peel off those pesky pounds and reclaim their health.

If you’re impatient, you can sign up now here.

  • How to explain to your youngsters the differences  etween “real food” like veggies and fruits and “fake food” like sugary soda and processed chips, crackers, cakes, etc.
  • How to help your kids make friends with crunchy, savory vegetables.
  • How to wean your kids off soda – the nutrient-lacking sugary drink that can pack on those pounds.
  • How to introduce your family to tasty, fiber-filled whole grains such as brown rice, steel cut oats, millet and quinoa.
  • How to transform food conflict into food cooperation.
  • What to do when your children bug you for candies, cookies, chips, pizza or fast food.
  • How your children can have fun becoming food label-reading experts so they can make better food choices.
  • How to get your kids to eat healthy snacks even if they now swear they’ll never have them.
  • How to help your kids enjoy getting active.
  • How to inspire and help your kids to eat healthy, even if they’re on the run.
  • Plus, there will be time to answer your questions which you’ll be able to submit ahead of time.

To get advice from one of America’s foremost obesity experts, who will help you help your child peel off the pounds and curb sugar intake, sign up here now.

By the way, start coming up with your question so that Dr. Ludwig can help you help your kids to live longer, be happier and reclaim their health.